Runners Up Sites |
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1999 |
- Pages that no longer exsist.
- Pages that have not been updated for an extended period.
- Pages that made several improvements and are no longer considered bad.
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January 1999
Old Reviews for January 1999

Page: Sailor Uranus' Final Destiny Planet
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/8192/
Creator: Mistress Irina
Comment: Had incorrect info and loading problems, but has since fixed all of that.

Page: The Clouds
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bridge/5561
Creator: Maranville
Comment: The info problems are now all fixed up, and most loading problems
have been fixed.
February 1999
Old Reviews for February 1999

Page: the sailor moon page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Portal/5190/index.html
Creator: Antoinette
Comment: Has all the elements to make it a total waste of time.

Page: sailor moon station
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Harbor/6591/
Creator: Cloud
Comment: Made up news concerning the show, stolen layout and stolen pics.
Update: Has since dropped the stolen material and fake news stories.

Now replaced with an all new site
Page: Flowers of The Senshi (or is it Sailormoon Fantasy?)
URL: http://welcome.to/Snowwhite
Creator: Snow White
Comment: A lot of incorrect information, some lengthly loading times.

Page: Haruka's Hunka-Hunka Burning Love Webpage
URL: http://members.aol.com/JinnaiX/index.html
Creator: JinnaiX
Comment: Messed up info on various anime characters and uses an offensive rating
system to describe them.
April 1999
Old Reviews for April 1999

Page: Particular Len's Sailor Moon and PQ Angels
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/9389/index.htm
Creator: Particular Len
Comment: Makes up a sixth season, WAY too much JAVA, and very slow loading.

URL: https://members.tripod.com/~JBaranick/AngelFace__64.html
Creator: Muskrat
Comment: Messed up info, and layout problems.

Page: Here´s a Nightmare: MY HOME PAGE!!!!! (We're guessing that's the title)
URL: http://members.xoom.com/MercMike/1.htm
Creator: MercMike(?)
Comment: Long loading, too many pics, nothing really to do, poorly written.
May 1999
Old Reviews for May 1999

Page: All That Glitters
URL: http://www.animedomain.com/starglitter/
Creator: Sarah-chan
Comment: It had JAVA, poor setup, bad links, stolen pics, information not worthwhile.
Update: Has vastly improved the setup, and information
sections are now being updated. However, there are still several problems within the
Jupiter shrine.

Page: Senshi Shrine
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/hi/scoutshrine/enter.html
Creator: houa
Comment: Blue links on Blue Background, usless Splash Page, poorly setup
info sections with mistakes throughout.

Page: Brian's Chibi Chibi Kingdom
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/ca/greenwald/
Creator: Brian
Comment: Direct linked pics, stolen fanart, page is supposed to be on ChibiChibi,
but has NOTHING to do with her. 45 different Sailors? Need we say more?
July 1999
Old Reviews for July 1999

Page: Sailor Moon For Dummies
URL: http://maxpages.com/sailortian007/
Creator: Tian Jin
Comment: Stolen correct infomation with a dash of totally made up junk.

URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Palace/1127
Creator: Lord Yume
Comment: One big joke of a page. A love triangle between Mercury, Neptune and Uwara Ryo?

Page: Sailor Moon and X-moon HQ
URL: http://www.homestead.com/sailorm0on/X_moon.html
Creator: Xmoon
Comment: One ugly page, with info centering around a made up 6th season.
October 1999
Old Reviews for October 1999

Page: Moon Research Center
URL: http://lavender.fortunecity.com/lumley/425/
Creators: Victor, Caroline, and Mike
Comment: Broken Links, browser crashing design, and some really bad info to boot.

Page: SuperSailorMoonScouts Universe
URL: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Mountain/7357/SuperSailorMoonScoutsUniverse.html
Creator: SuperSailorChibiMoonS
Comment: An eyesore, long loading, no content. Just one big waste of time.

Page: Ultimate Sailorscouts History Book
URL: http://users.forthnet.gr/the/click/history.htm
Creator: Neo-queen Serenity
Comment: Bandwidth stealing, extremely bad loading times, javascript over-use, all to see nothing.
Page: The Official Sailor Moon Connection
URL: http://www.premier1.net/~rdd56319/SailorMoon/
Creator: Avalas
Comment: Turns out this one is a joke, but you don't know if it's a joke unless you really, really look for one hidden link.
Avoid this if your new to the series.
December 1999
Old Reviews for December 1999

Page: Moon Dynasty
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Fuji/5525/
Creators: A small army of 17 people!
Comment: A lot of dead links and misguided information. They now say they haven't
the time, nor people to update the site. Funny how all 17 people disappeared...

Page: 1 (hey that's what the title on the window says!)
URL: http://homestead.com/princessrei/1.html
Creator: Princess Rei
Comment: An extremely javascript heavy site which is not worth the risk of crashing your browser over and over.

Page: Little Hotaru's Sailor Moon Page
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/ia/sailormoon4/
Creator: Little Hotaru
Comment: Openly stole and direct linked files, lacked any sort of originality.
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