Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: All That Glitters
Creator: Sarah-chan
Nominated by: Mina P |
Comments: |
Well at least the loading isn't that bad, but after that Worst of the Month,
about anything could be considered quick! Ooops, JAVA popup. Yes,
JAVA popups may be cool looking, you may think they are really fancy
and advanced
stuff, but each time someone goes to your index page, they
slowly get more and more annoyed
by it. The fact is, there is little to no
need for JAVA popup windows. They are only needed
for passwords or
to warn people of dangerous or offensive content. Something on
this site
also gives it a horizontal scroll bar, I have
no idea what, but it's there, and
I have a 1024 res! While we are talking about the index page's layout,
take a look at the bottom of the page. LINK banners, that means they are
used for links, so why are there no links? Without links, these banners
are pointless. Make the links to the sites they are from, or drop them.
This site is divided up into shrine sections, three deal with Sailormoon.
"The Moon Kingdom" shrine link doesn't work from the main page, but I
found a way into it
from the image gallery. Ick, MIDI. If you are going to
use MIDI, at least provide a console
with the EMBED tag so people can
turn it off without having to turn off their speakers.
Like the JAVA popup,
MIDIs looping over and over soon become very annoying.
The information here isn't exactly wrong, but it isn't very clear
or very
informative. Basically to understand it, visitors need to already know the
fairly well. However, if a visitor does know that much, then a site
with only this little bit
of info is a waste of time. The info needs to be a lot
longer and clearer.
Another problem with this site is the amount of stolen pictures. Now there
isn't any
direct links, which makes this normally hard to prove. However,
there isn't any credits
at all, none what-so-ever, and most of the pics I have
seen before on one site or another
in the years I've been on the internet as
a SM fan. Also, our nominator tells us Sarah uses
graphics the nominator
and others made for her, but have yet to get any credit for it.
I will give the author credit for learning how to get lots of free space from
servers. I counted at least 3 different accounts that I was bounced around
to. Don't misunderstand, using multiple accounts isn't bad as long as the
page at least has the same feel to it. That wasn't the case here.
When following links I wasn't sure if I was finally going to run into content
or be bounced to another server where I'd continue looking for something
to review besides an index page.
There is some content in the form of shrines to Venus and Jupiter. Each
had the same problem in that they mixed DiC and Japanese information.
The layouts aren't anything to write home about either. Looking at the
source code for the pages revealed some problems (especially when it came
to the GeoCities watermark).
The author makes liberal use of the terms 'cute' and 'kawaii'. Perhaps I'm
just being finicky, but if I trip over the term 'cute' one more time on this page...
A good example of its overuse (abuse) is: For starters, she's [Venus's]
the cutest! This lil' boy-crazy cutie-pie is the best!. That's just a little
too much gushing for my tastes.
Java script errors abound, oh boy. She links to other domains directly,
and she doesn't give credit for stolen images (including a fanart for a
Jupiter bg...) Huge font except for that tiny mini, font you see at the
beginning, huge images, bad information with mixing NASM and Japanese
info together (like Ken and Makoto, Crossroads Jr. High, Ami her best
friend) The owner really doesn't link any banners for some reason.
And there are broken links to some pages that are REALLY annoying.
I'm going to puke. I am so freaking anti-teenybopper it isn't funny. I shall try to keep my opinions to myself as I search through this. Keep in mind, I keep stumbling over stuff like "~Amelia- Girl, you rock! L.Y.L.A.S! *hugs* BFF IRL! ^_^" and the word cute and kawaii about every other sentence. Now, that doesn't make this page bad, it just makes it annoying. Hmm...the only really Sailormoony thing (The Moon Kingdom SM shrine) is broken. Okay, on to the Venus shrine. Fanart for a background? With orange text? O_O Mon dieu...
Well, there's nothing on this site that you won't be able to find anywhere else. The redeeming point is the pretty fanart that graces almost all the pages. Not only is this a bad Sailormoon page, it's a pretty bad Slayers page too. Who woulda thunk it? Let this be a lesson to all, "All that NOT gold."
Page: Senshi Shrine
Creator: houa
Nominated by: Goddess Starchaser |
Comments: |
YES! A useless entrance (splash) page!
[Baby kid voice ala Baby Plucky from Tiny Toons]
NO! I click the picture not you click the picture! oo oooo... Picture go "click!"
(and Cere's brain goes down the hole!)
Entrance pages are just as stupid and annoying as JAVA pop-up windows in
my book.
They maybe a little less annoying in the long run, because you
never have to
see them again, but you still have to waste time downloading
them and clicking them.
Only use entrance pages if you have to offer a
selection of indices, like Frames/No Frames,
Java/No Java, Graphical/Text,
etc... After all, people are coming to read and look at
the content of a page,
not to waste time clicking pictures.
This page is really giving me some great first impressions. Not only do we
have a
useless Entrance page, but also blue links on a mostly blue
background. Sigh, at least it loads quickly.
As for the content, first the image galleries have the typical false thumbnails.
You know, those things that look like thumbnails, but are only resized within
the HTML
code. Those take just as long to load as non-thumbnailed pics.
You still
download the whole original pic with all it's KB. Real thumbnails
are pics that
are shrunken down in a graphics editor and used to link the
full size, original pic.
Next, I wonder why the author of this site has separate character sections
(mainly containing the usual stats), then another section called "General
which only contains some more info on each character. Why
not put all into one? Like all
the Jupiter information on one Jupiter page?
It would make those character pages look that
much more complete. Not
to mention it would organize the site much better.
The Japanese names
thing is a nice idea, and is accurate. However, the info in the
sections have a few mistakes here and there. For example: Mars goes
to the
"T&A Private schools for girls." [Smirk] I'm not touching that one,
Palla, Jun, Ves,
anyone! hold me back quick, it's too hard to resist!
The first problem I had with this page came up with blue text on a blue and
black background. It just doesn't work. Highlighting the links, I continued
on. The profile pages present their own sets of problems. The images are
used in a way that they don't lay out well. A tall, thin image at the top of
a page without any text along it looks lonesome. The information that is
provided is the basic stats fair with a brief description that isn't always
accurate. (Haruka's father didn't teach her to be a tomboy; that's a fanfic
The page does have some broken links here and there. Loading wasn't
much of a problem for me. The opening graphic loaded amazingly fast
considering how large it is.
Whyyyy...? The enter page just has a huge pic that you need to click on.
Sailor profiles are kinda ickily done with nice backgrounds taken from one
of those free images places, some of the lines must have been converted
b/c they suck, huge princess pics on front. Haruka is NOT raised as a
tomboy by her dad. Why is the general info on the sailors? Why isn't it
in the profiles sections? Some really weird info on the sailors, especially
Hotaru and Seiya. Setsuna: "Her other talent might be flying planes..."
and no, she's not the leader of the Outers. Other screwed up stuff is abound.
The main page isn't that badly set up but the profiles are. Image gallery-
the links are pretty much unreadable. Image pages- too many hugely
mis-sized pictures as links instead of thumbnails. Pictures are all stolen too.
That's a pretty picture! I have it on my wall as a poster. ANYWAYS, that splash page was a nice and pointless waste of time. Ach nein. The first suggestion I have is to change the background or the link color. Blue tends to not be legible over blue. The information needs to be fixed a bit...because there's alot of screwy stuff all over the place. Hotaru collects lanterns because her face is pale? Waaaah??? This site is hard, some of the information is actually good (albeit, brief) but then again, there's all these weird and nonsensical elements thrown in. The other AQ have pretty much hit everything that needed to be said. Personally, I think this page has the potential to be a decent (or at least average) page with a bit more research and a bit more HTML know-how.
Page: Brian's Chibi Chibi Kingdom
Creator: Brian
Nominated by: ChibiChibi |
Comments: |
Now ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, the Amazoness Orchestra
Cerevothen's Concerto for Fisher Price Guitar and Kitchen Sink, in C flat
minor. Tenth movement... Opus 33.333%. Number 1½.
LOADing, loading, loooooooooooadingggggg!!!!
Here I thought I wouldn't have to sing at all this month! Yes, a long
page due to, you guessed it, too many pics. Just not any pics
either, good old broken pics and
direct-linked pics.
Next question, I didn't wait all this time just for one page did I? Oh, there
are some other
pages here. The author may want to make the links a
different colour than the text to make
them stand out more and also place
them a little closer to the top of the page which will be
easy to do once
the page is rid of all those stolen pics.
Page 2: More stolen and broken pics, and this guy wants you to credit
his page if you take them!
Why? When he stole them already? I think
I rather ask the original owners, especially when
asking about the fan-art
pics and fan-senshi pics this site steals.
Page 3: My favorite links. The favorite links are his page, now that's real
modesty for you!
I don't think CereCere could add enough verses to the Loading Song for
this page. The only thing keeping it loading is the fact that most of the
image links are broken. And why are they broken? Everyone say it with
me now: "Because they are stolen!" I counted at least 8 other sites being
ripped off. The author even has the gall to ask on page 2 that images not
be taken without credit given. I wonder if that applies to them as well?
According to this site, there are around 50 scouts total. If only there
were, then we could all have one. The text is also helpfully oversized
for those of you who are sitting across the room from your computer.
Page 3 is a links page that leads you back to the index and page 2.
Why waste the time making a page 3? Why even waste the time visiting
this site?
Yay! An image thief! Yay! 746 X 535 sized images to load up! Yay!
Huge font! Many broken images! Bad info! 45 Sailor Scouts + the
other 5 Sailor Scouts and Sailor Moon is the leader because she's
from the moon and every planet has a moon. On to the images page-
I wonder if he really expects anyone to give him credit for stolen,
direct linked pictures. And what's that? A picture of a non-SM related
fanart character. What the HECK are all these images and what do
they have to do with Sailormoon? Kitty box? Sailormoon X? A stolen
"Venus now" button? Image page three is blank for some reason,
thankfully, I guess, since it'd just be more stolen, direct-linked,
unthumbnailed pictures.
Bravissimo, CereCere-san! A most excellent song, unfortunately, once again, I didn't have the pleasure of singing along. This page loaded up super fast for me. :) ( this a good thing?!)
Holy ebola?! There are 45 other "scouts"? WOW! Well, unfortunately, kiddo...One may argue that there are an infinite amount of Senshi in the Universe, but for all intensive purposes, the highest number recorded is...oh hell, I don't even know, but it isn't 50. Holy crap this site has alot of images on it...this site has absolutely no webdesign to it, just a buncha pictures slapped onto a page.
Page 2 supposedly has "every sailor scout ever invented!" Umm, who the heck is the girl with the red hat. Ah yes. FANART. Riiight. This guy has fanfic characters up the wazoo. Sadly, some people actually think fanfics are real---I know, because people ask me if my characters are. So this would obviously be a confusion point.
In a nut shell, this site had nothing to do with Chibichibi and really nothing to do with Sailormoon.