Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Moon Research Center
Creators: Victor, Caroline, and Mike
Nominated by: Rebo |
Comments: |
Uggg. If the splash page wasn't enough, once you go to the mainpage of this
site you get hit with a message box telling you the exact same thing the
splash page did! Once you're in the layout looks okay at first. Despite a
few annoying animations, it's clean and seems to be easy to get around.
That is until you discover none of the links on the left frame do not work.
There are still a few sections that do work, like the Inner and Outer Sailor Scouts Sections
which can be accessed through the splash page, or the main frame of the mainpage.
The Inner Scouts info on the surface is passable. However, you have to wade through
all the crap the site owners add about the Sailors working on their site.
In addition, there are a lot of misspellings, grammar mistakes and broken pictures.
This sometimes leads to some lovely mistakes like Kelvin (Melvin I guess) and Frey.
Ummm who is Frey?
The Outer Scouts section is even worse than the inners. The grammar is worse, and the
spelling is worse, adding up to some pretty confusing reading. Then there are lovely things
like Michiru's favorite show is "Party of Five". The owners also completely avoid the
relationship between Michiru and Uranus. As for Pluto and Saturn, nothing but more broken links.
There are two things I really dislike about this site. First of all I'm not fond of
sites that write profiles in the "first-person", as if the sailors were telling
us about themselves. Too often sites that attempt this, write something that
doesn't fit the character's personality, but fits the authors.
That is often the case with this site.
Second, owners just ooze ego all over the place. They can't seem to talk
about any subject or senshi without squeezing in something about their site.
On a final note, I'm not sure if it's this page or not, but my Internet Explorer browser crashed
3 times while viewing this site. My guess is some of the java animations play havoc
with Internet Explorer. Only by using Netscape was I finally able to view it without any crashes.
The ironic thing is, the owners of the site recommend you view the site in Internet Explorer!
What do you get when you take information from the Japanese version of
Sailor Moon, some DiC material, and total ignorance as to the purpose of dictionaries,
then put them all into a blender? If you guessed this page, give yourself a pat on the back!
It's also resulted in one heck of a messed up webpage. The Outer pages are enough to
drive a fan of them up the wall and across the ceiling. Haruka and Michiru aren't
lesbians. EXCUSE ME? Yeah, and their various spellings of 'Talisman' were cute.
Pick one (hopefully the CORRECT one) and go from there. After finding the correct
spelling of Talisman, looking up one of the correct ways to spell their last names
would be a good next step.
The Inners didn't get off much easier than the Outers. 'Frey & Lita'. FREY?! They can't
even get Freddy right, and that joke was beaten to death in the DiC version. Amy's cram
school was really an HTML class where she built her page on the M.R.C.? Even when taken
as a joke (which I'm not entirely sure it's meant to be) it isn't executed well. Perhaps
just moving along would be the best idea when it comes to this page.
Whoa, someone LOVES JAVA. Ugh. Alright, my friends, while JAVAScript, embedded MIDIs, and all that high-tech crap looks nice, it's REALLY freaking annoying. How many professional sites do you know that embed MIDIs? Not very many. Why? Because they're annoying. No one cares what your favorite song is and if people wanted to listen to the theme song of somehting, then they could do it on their on time.
The page looks nice, but I really hated how by writing in first perosn--they managed to make every single Sailor Senshi have the same personality. And since when did Michiru like Party of Five? o_O Other tidbits on the Michiru secion: "I'm so shy with guys, if you want to date me be sure I'll try to have a date with you, even only to destroy that wrong rumors about my homosexuality, and I don't love Haruka, and like Al Bundy said: "I'm not a gay!"." Michiru is definately not shy with the men...and throwing in Al Bundy with the beautifully elegant Michiru is really...weird. And for the last time, yes, they are lesbians.
Page: SuperSailorMoonScouts Universe
Creator: SuperSailorChibiMoonS
Nominated by: ? |
Comments: |
[Sigh] Waiting for another page to load...
Some green thing once told me, "You must have patience young one, waiting leads to fear, fear leads to hate,
hate leads to..."
Loading, Loading, Loading... (okay I've been watching to much Star Wars)
First question, what is a link here and what is not? There are all these words underlined in
a rainbow of different colours. Everything looks like it could be a link, but none of them are.
Only the pictures are links, not the text. If you are going to use colours like this, at least
do not underline everything. It's misleading and confusing.
On to what I hope is the profiles section. Ack! What a background! My eyes hurt.
All of this for one profile on Moon? Plus it's only the usual stats?
Okay, try somewhere else.
After a look around at the other sections, there is nothing to tell you, because
there isn't anything here. The MIDIs and download files are stolen, direct linked files.
The profiles and other information are basically non existent or incorrect.
This is just simply another page to avoid.
There's not other way to describe this page other than 'eyesore'.
It's busy with animated .gifs, pictures, and multicolored link text with
background colors behind the links. Half of the image links are broken,
which is probably for the better since it unclutters the page some.
Content wise, there's nothing here. The FAQ has one "fact" and it's incorrect.
The fanfic page has one "fanfic" but it isn't there. The sound page has 12 midis.
There are no profiles on the page designated for that purpose. In short, this page
is an eyesore with no content.
Page: Ultimate Sailorscouts History Book
Creator: Neo-queen Serenity
Nominated by: Mizuno-chan |
Comments: |
Oh My... one, two, three MIDI players!?!
I wonder if one of them plays The Loading Song because this page
could use it as it's theme song!
There are a lot of broken pictures on this page, which leads me to believe right away...
[opens source code] ...yep! A ton of stolen, direct-linked pics and files.
It also seems most of the page's links do not work. Only the Chibi-Moon and Moon sections
work, and for the most part they have the more stolen pictures and the usual stats. There is
a brief original write up in the Moon section, but that's the only character who gets one.
With all the stolen files, poor layouts, and lack of info and things to do this page turns
out to be a total waste of time.
Hum... how many broken pics and plugins can a person fit onto one webpage?
That question is explored by this fine example presented by the Sailor Scout History
Book. All the text is in caps, which is annoying to say the least. And I didn't really
appreciate having my CPU usage meter near the limit due to an unnecessary java applet near
the top of the page.
I will give them one point for not having the midi auto-start when the page is loaded.
There isn't much else going for this page, so don't get your hopes up of learning any
'history' here.
Uhhh...broken links everywhere, a weird embedded MIDI (read my first review on a reason why they are the bane of my existence.) Useless JAVA, linear format, and the fact she tried to embed 3 MIDI players on top of each other is kind of ridiculous. After about five seconds I got REALLY annoyed with the embdeed MIDI which is that one song by James Brown :P Riight.
Page: The Official Sailor Moon Connection
Creator: Avalas
Nominated by: Tony |
Comments: |
When I first saw the content of this site I thought, this has to be either
a joke or some twisted alternate universe fanfic. I thought at first this guy
was serious, however we have since been told this is a joke.
On of our visitors found a hidden link leading to an explaination page.
However, despite being a joke, it should have been marked much more clearly
in order to warn people. There should be a visible disclamer placed on one of the
pages, not a hidden link! Sure, the info here is totally altered from the real
Sailormoon story line, but some newbies could still be drawn in and fooled by it.
For example, Moon is now a ruthless warlord of some country and Mercury
fights against her. The story also includes characters like "Black Hat Man"
(aka Tuxedo), "Necrolis" (aka Uranus), "Sailor Nexus" (aka Zoisite... what da?),
"Sailor Fusion" (aka Michiru - who's a robot in this story), "Sailor Astroblade" (aka Saturn),
and finally "Sailor Berserker" (aka Pluto... Berserker... Pluto... yeah...)
So as you can see the information here is really twisted and nothing at all like the
real Sailormoon story line. It's good for a chuckle, but don't use any of it
as real info.
One statement sums this site up nicely: Setsuna as 'Sailor Beserker'.
Excuse me while I laugh myself out of the chair. Anyone who claims that this
is the real Sailormoon instead of a fanfic is out of their mind. And even
if it was a fanfic, they would lose points for unoriginality on the character designs.
If you're going to make up stuff, at least make it senseable.
An example of the absurdity: Sailor Jupiter is the master of the lower four levels of hell,
and she's fighting over the fifth with Mars. Why, out of curiosity, would anyone WANT to
rule the proverbial Christian underworld? This is just ridiculous.
The music for this 'series' is a trip down memory lane. I've always liked the ending theme
from Megaman 2 and the page author apparently does enough to make it the 'end theme' for
this 'series'. It should also be pointed out that the files are directly linked from a
video game midi archive. The link to a .wav file on Crossroads was blocked by an
anti-bandwidth-stealing script. The message I saw there solding the prospective thief
was probably the most amusing part of this page.