Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Sailor Uranus' Final Destiny Planet
Creator: Mistress Irina
Nominated by: |
Comments: |
[Pulls out a saxophone] Hmmm... to hard to sing and play the sax at
[Calls in the backup singers] 1-2-3! LOADING, LOADING, LOADING!!!
This is a really long loader, made worse by the fact you have to wait for a huge
image map to load up before you can go anywhere. Image maps are nice,
but always,
ALWAYS make sure you also offer regular text links.
Especially for people like me! If you had text links, I wouldn't have to wait!
First stop, the picture gallery. There isn't any direct links (thank the gods), but
I can't be sure where she obtained all these pics. I'm not going to say she
stole them, but there isn't any details about their origins. The same goes for the
multimedia files.
Now for the info. In Haruka's story... "my American DIC
Version name is Carynn (Before it was "Alex" but was changed by DIC)" BUZZZZZ!
Wrong! It was never Alex, that was a name that came up a long time
ago in
a survey in about possible NA names for the Outers.
As for
Carynn, that's a new one on me. So far the best source is the Irwin dolls
which says her name in North America is in fact, Corrine. Whether or not Dic
use this name we may never know, but Irwin must have consulted DIC
before deciding
to name Uranus.
"I am actually a male, yes a male, that is.... I was a Prince of Uranus"
[shakes head in shame] Yet another person led astray by the SOS' false report.
Naoko Takeuchi, creator of Sailormoon, has since stated Haruka is a woman,
has always
been a woman, and will always be a woman. Yes, the SOS was
wrong. Can you believe it?
Tommy? Saturn's North American name is Tommy? I'm not going to
touch that.
I'm just going to back away while I can.
Might just be my resolution, but the right frame was really tackily
set up, all the text was centered awkwardly. Next, everything took
about five million years to load up thanks to huge image maps
and logos. Thanks. On to the information... This page is one real
Claims that "Follow the Leader" is a DIC invention, when it's not, it was
an actual episode in the original. The whole Haruka story is crap, totally
made up and totally unsubstantiated by *anything*. It calls Haruka a boy
in her past life, says her dad left her when we know nothing about her
parents, made up a lie about Serena and her kissing, reinvented SMS
and Stars, and is basically screwed up. I dunno what other crack the
owner's on, it lists Saturn as "Tommy, Scout of Power" and Uranus as
"Carynn" but her name was "Alex" before DIC changed it. The Starlights
are "Guardians," the generals are the "princes" of the inner planets, the
scouts/senshi have "Shadow mates" as the weird sisters. I dunno what the
hell some of the names are for, like Chibi-moon, Rini, whatever it's on.
Molly is Sailor Earth. There are four seasons and that SuperStars or
something is the last one. Says that being a lesbian is something that
happens when you don't know what you're doing: "well, yes I know, you
might call me a lesbian, but I knew what I was doing." Says Galaxia with
her Heart Destroyer Machine wanted to take the Talisman. The Outers
protect "Mamoru Chaba/Darien and his Moon Kingdom". "Sailor Galexsia,
who turned to be Neo-Queen Serenity's sister from the far away moon
kingdom in the past". Descriptions of the pictures are all off (plus the pics
are all stolen).
My personal vendetta on what the page owner says: "I find it actually pretty
normal, for girls that is, because they can understand and support each other
like best friends; but it's a whole different story with the guys First, guys
don't understand what Romance means and all they practically do is hang
out with other gay guys, be gay and have a gay bed-buddy, but you can
never find that in girl who are deeply in love." First off, that is really offensive,
secondly she's full of (sorry to our younger visitors, if any) s*it. "Two females
that are in love are like sisters" and being a lesbian is fine except "when
you try to do all the legal age activities." You know, if I was a lesbian and did
half the things Michiru and Haruka do to my sister, I'd be arrested
and shipped off to a mental institution.
WAI! It's my turn! Since Cere-tachi took care of all the information stuff, I guess I'll stick to the fun OTHER stuff. ^_^;
Ooh, this looks pretty. First stop, links page. Eew, I really hate link pages that use banners for the links. First off, it takes forever and a day to load up...second...well, there IS no second.
You know, this is very difficult to navigate. I mean, I have NO idea where this information section Cere-chan & Jun-chan referred to is.
Ack! Oh WOW! Mistress Irina prints her address on this site, what a bad idea. I think maybe the site was changed since we've reviewed it? Aww. :( Oh well, I give up. On to the next site.
Page: The Clouds
Creator: Maranville
Nominated by: Manja |
Comments: |
Do I feel lucky today? Well, sort of, so let's take the frames version.
This page loads up in somewhat reasonable time, the frames version
isn't incredible, but it works just fine.
Ahww, now I find the long loading. The image galleries do not need those
two large pics for only selecting if you want group pics or individual pics.
Use something smaller. Within the galleries there are properly thumbnailed
pics but
the owner did forget the links to the full size versions of the pics
in the moon
gallery. The pics all seem to be credited on her credits page,
and none seem to
be direct linked, so other than those few problems I
stated earlier, there is nothing
really wrong with this gallery.
There are quite a few glitches in the info sections. Most of the info for
the Inners
is based on the DIC version; sometimes a bit of details about
things DIC hasn't dubbed
yet leaks in and causes some mixing of versions.
However, the biggest problems are
in the Mars and Pluto profiles. Mars
was not taking Kindergarden kids on a bus when
she was first introduced.
As for the Pluto profile, I was just plain confused by it.
This site actually has some potential, the creator just needs to clear up
a few errors
in the galleries and re-read some of the profiles and revise
them a bit. The nicest
thing is, at least Maranville is trying to be original.
She isn't copying anyone
or using only those plain old stats.
First page: Insanely large picture. Galleries: Again, insanely large pictures
that just take you to more pages where you can choose which 'scout' to
pick. Pics are all taken, many are huge transparent gifs, all are full sized
and sometimes not linked. Info: Pluto's a scout called "Plu" and her best
friend is "Chibi" and she marches down the street with baby Saturn. You
know what's sad? This guy/girl can't even get the DIC INFO right! Calls
Mars just "Mars", claims Mars is in charge of kindergarteners, claims Mars
was fighting Jedite by "taking things into her own hands", and claims Mars
says "Mars Prism Power" to transform. Darien gets sucked up by Queen
Beryl, and Luna thought Serena was a scout by the crescent moon on her
forehead. Mercury's best friend is apparently Mars. Basically mixes
Japanese SM with DIC SM and made-up info. Chibi Pink Heart is
Reeny/Chibi/Chibi Chibi's attack. Villain of the Month section: "Since we
have grown up in America, this section will be revised with the new stuff
soon. Thank you." What the hell does that mean? The Nega Moon is
now the Black Moon with English names, Saphire supposedly loves
Emerald, "Sister-Her Match" implies the scouts are the nega moon's
sisters, and the site claims CereCere is seen in ep 89. Graphics shop-
JOKE everything from her site is taken from someplace else.
Hmm, I decided to take the "No Frames" route. The background is very pretty, but it's ill placed, not to mention the fact that the corner-border stuff looks weird in the middle of the webpage.
Well, my ningyou, it's time to "Learn!" Ooh, what a beautiful image map. Unfortunately, it's incredibly big and also ill placed. The middle section looks like Usagi-chan's eye is leaking. Let's see, character info. I clicked on the angel Usagi .gif and now I'm at...another badly positioned table. "Her transformations that she uses normally are Moon Prism Power and Moon Crystal Make-up!! Her main two powers are Moon Tiara Magic and Moon Wand Elimination, even though she has many more." DIC SM uses the word "Make Up?" and it's Moon Wand Elimination? Hmm...seems like even her DIC info is somewhat screwy, then again, I could be wrong. The page that shows Serena's transformation is really kawaii cauz it has this adorable little transforming Usgai.gif...but, the transformation is into her Super transformation.
Okay, onward to Saturn's page--"She stood side by side with Sailor Pluto when she was going to die because her adoptive parents were going to kill them. She was then reborn and grew to her old size within a matter of minutes." Yes, it's true (to some extent) that that occured, however the chronology is wrong. Also, Saturn isn't quite one of those magical dinosaur eggs you pour water on and she turns big in seconds! Rather, she was reborn and grew to her original age, but over a period of some time. Saturn's only friend is Chibi USA...heehhee..gomen ne, I just thought that was funny. (Chibi-Canada, DOKO DESU KA?!?!)
Okay. I'm done.