Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Moon Dynasty
Creators: A small army of 17 people!
Nominated by: Fuu Hime |
Comments: |
At first this page doesn't look particularly bad. The index page loads
quickly and seems easy enough to follow and get around. However, it's the
sub-pages that make this site fit into this review.
The first place I checked out was the SM News section as it's usually the
first place big mistakes are made.
Oh my dear... Not Cloud! Ugggg... I seriously hope these guys
copied this from one of his pages, and he isn't involved with this site
too! The news section starts with all things, an interview between Cloud
(the infamous fake Naoko interview creator), Naoko, and some guy named Mr
Stewart who supposedly works at the Cartoon Network. Okay, time for
another reality check. Naoko has very little to do with the SM TV series,
she was consulted from time to time on character designs and that was about
it. That's one reason why the story in the manga and anime are so different
in many spots. She has even less involvement in English SM, Toei sold the
rights off to Dic, and Dic can do what it wants with the series. So she
has no pull what so ever on getting more episodes. I'm sure Naoko wouldn't
mind the whole series done in English, but she can't just tell Dic to do
them and neither can the Cartoon Network, unless they fork over some money.
As for the rants on the rest of this page, well, the colours combined with
the busy background makes them almost impossible to read, so I'm not even
going to start with them. My suggestion, redo this whole page or drop it.
Going on to the character bios, well nothing really here except the old trusty,
boring stats lists. Although I do wonder where they got ages for each of
the villains. On the plus side, at least the MIDIs they have on each page
are set to "stop" by default.
The pictures section is down for construction, the note to original fans is
busted, and so are a few other links. Overall this is not an impressive site
with its broken sections and boring, incorrect info. Makes it even worse
when you stop and think that this site is supposedly run by 17 different people.
You would think with so many people working together they could at least put
together something better than this. Sure, check out one of this month's
best, "Silver Moonlight". They have a team of only five people and look what
they managed to put together!
The front page is actually set-up pretty well. It's fast loading, neat, and not
an eyesore. The profiles... well, the "Inner Senshi" is a really really really
really BAD combination of the dub and the original. It takes some of the info
from here, some of it from there, and SMACK, you got your profiles. Oh yeah,
it uses "Darien Shields" so that's some of Mixxzine too. The Outer Senshi part
isn't too bad because it sticks with the original, but it makes a couple of
blunders: Setsuna's apparent hobby is watching over Rini/Chibi-usa (wow, that's
a lot of fun, Setsuna-san); and she has three weapons: "Garnet Rod, Garnet Orb
Talisman, Time Staff" (a little repetitive, aren't we?); Michiru's favorite
food is "Sashimi (meat strips)" (MEAT STRIPS?!); Haruka's element is "Earth";
and all the Outers are friends with each other, Tuxedo Mask, and the Inners.
Darien's strengths are "Chivalry, kindness, romance", Luna's hobby is "Hanging
around Serena's house, trying to get her to do her math homework" (like
Setsuna, you have a WILD life, Luna); Rini is "extremely helpful" (nah, you
stole my crystal and caused my friends to be kidnapped by Rubeus, it's all
good); and the profiles for the Starlights are okay, except like some of the
other profiles, the "element of influence" is pure bullcrap. The bad guy
profiles were ENTIRELY made up, basically the only thing the page got right
were the names and the missions.
What are fanficts? The season summaries page is written in invisible ink...
Well, not really, just that the background is a BMP and the text is in white,
so obviously the BG won't load up so you have to highlight the darn text
(urgh!!) I didn't even skim the summary, it's based on the dub so I'm assuming
the owner can actually summarize the dub (not TOO hard to do), but the first
end note was great: " Zoisite was actually a man in the original version, which
would mean that Zoisite and Malachite... are gay lovers.." No duh.
The news section is a reprint of that "interview" between Cloud, Naoko, and
Stewart written by that delusional young man, Cloud, who we have featured on
this site before. The rest of the news is two separate paragraphs of rants
and raves which are REALLY hilarious if you can get past the fact that they're
huge paragraphs that should have been separated. Basically, the rants say "I
know about the original, so I can say such and such" when in fact the whole
page thus far proves that these people know little to nothing about the
original and are only good at mixing up information and making it up. Episode
listings taken from another page (too bad, I was actually slightly impressed),
the "Castle in the Sky" page.
The Ask Usagi page is more okay info mixed in with crap. "Well, it's generally
accepted that Sailoruranus, Sailorneptune, and Sailorsaturn will die on a mission
before the time of Crystal Tokyo..." Er, wait a minute, WHO accepts this?
Question: "Is the Sailormoon manga the same as the Sailormoon Anime?" Answer:
"Usagi: Oh, heck no! In the manga, ChibiChibi kills Sailor Galaxia! And I
thought she was just a sweet little kid..." No, she doesn't. There's a lot
more weird, random questions with bad answers; a couple of things are answered
properly, but you'll get a headache trying to read the page before you even
find them; and the HTML code is done wrong so some questions are repeated. The
"Fun Stuff" page has information copied directly from SOS with the same layout,
pictures, and all and direct links to movies from dragonfire, though the site
claims that you can't direct link to the files 'cause they'll be pissed...
(uhhh?) The image map section doesn't work...
Page: 1 (hey that's what the title on the window says!)
Creator: Princess Rei
Nominated by: Neko Kawaii |
Comments: |
For those of you who like checking out the pages we review, I would suggest
you avoid this one. This thing is a browser crasher! With so many
javascripts (with errors), layers, pics, plus a MIDI, it's no wonder it
bombs my browser almost every time I look at it! This thing sucks the
memory and processor usage from your computer like a vampire on crack!
For improvements I would suggest dumping the unnecessary javascripts,
including the scrolling text one on the top of each page. I would also
suggest avoiding Homestead's page maker. I've noticed on a few Homestead
sites that there are often a lot of layers obviously generated by
Homestead's Pagemaker. For those you not familiar with layers, well, they
have been around a little while but they have never been widely recognized.
If you use anything less than the current versions of browsers, this page
is never going to work properly. Layers do neat little things like overlap
pictures without having to use a graphics editor to join them. You can also
use them to overlap text with a picture, something that often happens on
this site, with poor results, so dump the layers. I notice the site also
has some banners saying it is "serviced" by someone else. I don't know how
much of this site was built by that person, but I think he is at least
responsible for the javascripts. Maybe the owner of this site should seek
him out and complain.
Come on hanging in there computer!!!! Damn crash number three!
Info wise, there isn't too much wrong here, but there isn't a lot and it's
not very original. I can think of a lot of sites with the exact same
information. The pictures are not direct linked either, but a lot of them
can be found on other sites. The galleries also make no use of thumbnails
at all and are plagued by the same javascripts, layers and MIDIs the other
pages have. So you end up with one very long loading gallery, that is if
your computer can hang in there long enough.
Think all this site really needs to get off the ground is to fix the
things that makes it crash. If those problems are not fixed and no other
improvements are made, then dont bother ever visiting this site. It's not
worth the grief it will give you constantly having to restart your browser
or even your computer. |
I didn't have any problems with crashes, though I can see that the layers could
pose problems. I didn't like all the Java and Javascript and animated gifs
that were piled onto each page though. There's a lot of spelling mistakes
throughout the site, so a grammar check would be nice. The profiles page has
two entries and one that isn't linked; the stats for Serena and Amy are okay,
though mixtures of the dub and the original, and the list of powers are okay
too, though with problems with spelling and some of the original Japanese powers.
The profiles pages though have two Java applets per page plus animated gifs.
The music page has some MIDIs and WAVs; the set-up for the page is okay, kind
of messy but liveable. The galleries are horribly set-up; Serena's page uses
fake thumbnails, Amy's page doesn't even use the fake thumbnails, just layers
pictures over each other; Darien's page is actually set-up pretty nice,
except it uses the fake thumbnails, a MIDI, and a Java applet; and the group
section is non-existant. The fanart page also uses fake-thumbnails.
My overall suggestions are to get rid of all the JAVA applets- you don't need
them; to get rid of the layers; to use real thumbnails on all pages that use
them; to improve the spelling; and to make all the pages less... busy.
Page: Little Hotaru's Sailor Moon Page
Creator: Little Hotaru
Nominated by: Chiri |
Comments: |
This is a page that falls under the infamous category, "waste of your time".
Loading and layout wise, the page is okay, but bland and boring without very
much thought put into the site's layouts.
The information is far from original, with each profile centering around ye
old stats list. There is a short paragraph at the beginning of each profile.
That paragraph sometimes gives a very brief description of the senshi and
then the author's opinion of that character. Sometimes though, the paragraph
is only the author's opinion and we get lovely things like on the Uranus
page, "Can you believe that all through Sailor Moon S all she (Uranus) talked
about was wanting to kill Hotaru. How mean!" Well, could it have something
to do with the fact Hotaru was Mistress 9 at the time and she wanted to
destroy the world? Hmmm... Yep, that was mean of Uranus to think that wasn't
it. As for the other info sections, well, they are filled with the old English
names mixed in with the Japanese names trick.
Then there is the galleries which each feature the lovely line: "Feel free
to take any of them since they aren't mine." Yep, they aren't hers alright,
because every one of the pics on this page are direct-linked from other sites.
Most of them actually all come from one site which is hosted on Simplenet of
all places. So why doesn't she just give us the link to the other site and
we get them from there, rather than wasting time on her site?
The site she does take from allows free usage of pics, only because he took them
from somewhere else. So we have one person taking from another who took from
someone else without any credits given at all by either of them. Let's not
forget the Simplenet factor here, because this site uses the bandwidth of another
site, the other site could become in danger of getting shut down by Simplenet
for excessive bandwidth use. They have done it many times before.
This site needs a lot more work. All you get are some lowsy info pages you can
find anywhere, but on other sites you can usually find a lot more info along
with it. Combine that with the direct linked pics, and you can tell not a lot
of time was spent on this site.
The profiles are pretty simple. A short description on top of why the person
likes or hates the scout, then a profile centered below with a mixture of
made up info, dub info, and original info. Then comes a broken picture and
a link back to the front. Basically, she says that Mina, Michiru, and Haruka
all suck because they're mean- Mina because she's mean to all the scouts and
Haruka and Michiru because they wanted to kill poor Hotaru (nevermind that
she's the Anti-Messiah bent on world destruction). It's pretty hilarious;
for Mina, Michiru, and Haruka's personalities, she says "Mean", she says
Setsuna's best friend is Hotaru completing disregarding how Setsuna wanted to
kill Hotaru too, and everyone besides the three she hates are "loyal friends".
All the picture images are direct linked and she says you can take all of
them since they're not hers. Then the author has a section on why she hates
and likes the scouts or whatever, even though she already told you why on the
profiles, and she invents stupid reasons for liking or disliking. There's
more bad info on "Fireball", she steals the "Rumors" idea, and her story of
Hotaru starts off okay, but it gets wrong and stupid in the first paragraph,
and the ending is just crap.