Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Particular Len's Sailor Moon and PQ Angels
Creator: Particular Len
Nominated by: Barb |
Comments: |
[Finally gets the guitar back from Ves]
(See Rant # 15 for the saga of Cere's guitar.)
Yes, yet another long loader. You do not need to have giant pics to choose between
frames or non-frames! It's nice to give a choice, but how many times have I seen pages that
use two giant pics making you wait because you don't know which will take you where. I could make
a good sandwich in the time some of these frame/non-frame link pics take to load! Mmmmm...
Sandwich... Excuse me for a second...
If you hate JAVA, avoid this site. Some of the JAVA is always okay, like link animations and
so on, but this site uses it for almost everything. However, there aren't any script errors.
This is unusual for a Geocities site, because the popup and watermark often interferes with
a "homesteaders" JAVA. I commended the owner of this site for achieving this small feat.
The backgrounds in the subpages are quite large and busy, none of the pics are thumb nailed,
plus none of the links are ever without an accompanying pic for clicking. The non-fanart
galleries also only have pics you can find on many other sites.
As for info, nope, there isn't any real info on this site.
It only mentions a made-up sixth season. At first I wondered if this was a
fanfic site, but there aren't any fanfics and it appears there will not be
any in the near future.
So in my opinion, the slow loading, commonly found pics, and a lack of real info,
adds up to make this site a complete waste of time.
I gave the non-frames version of this page a whirl. The first link I followed was to the story and that left me confused to say the least. I don't know if this is a fanfic or someone thinking that this is the 6th season, it isn't made clear. Judging by the image archive, I'm guess it's a fanfic of some sort since the pictures are redrawn from the artbooks.
This isn't a horrible site, it just leaves you scratching the back of your head wondering what's going on. Some clarification on the author's part as to what the intent of the site is would help. Also running it through a spell checker would be nice.
Lenpage.html: Okay, we don't REALLY need to see 17 versions of the same
picture. I mean, can't you think of anything creative? I'm glad you know how
to use Paint Shop or Photo Shop or whatever, but please. The whole sixth
season thing is crap (with misspelled words abound). FYI, Mugen Gakuen
was DESTROYED in SMS. And why would there be someone called "Selene
Claire" anyways? Ooh, ChibiChibi is "ChibiCler" which is ridiculous, her
father some prince from Earth, Alexandros. We "meet' all these characters
made up out of thin air, and then there's this new senshi: "our Eternitè
Eternal-Pour Perisablitè Perisablè Sailor Universi" Whee. The story is too
dumb to quote from anymore. There are lots of fanart of the supposed new
characters. At first I'd say this was a fanfic page but.. there aren't any fanfics
and on the cluttered poll page (with a billion graphics like the other pages),
it lists "Universi" as one of the senshi to vote for. The quiz is also a JOKE-
it asks why "Usagi Tsukino" as a name for Sailormoon, yet the person even
SAYS what both of them mean.
Boohoo! CereCere-san never gives me sandwiches! She neglects poor unfortunate PallaPalla-chan. Okay, now I have to review.. :P
SAVE ME! The JAVA is attacking from all sides...ach nein! JAVA is nice once in awhile, but you really don't need that much--although there wasn't one mistake on it (that popped up on MSIE 4.0).
I'm only going to focus on one main thing, however, the "Sixth Season of Sailor Moon". I wish people would stop doing this. It's making people believe it, even after an article was posted on the ESMG explaining that the rumour started as a joke on a German magazine.
Here's the flaws in Particular Len's page:
10. "After the disaster of Galaxia a stranger very aristocratic, beautiful, very intelligent (more than Ami Mizuno), sociable but very misterious, too comes to live in Tokyo. Her name is Wrennou Cler, frequents Mugen Gakuen h. and she is in the same class of Michiru and Haruka...." - That's very interesting considering Mugen Gakuen blew up.
9. "And she is-will be Chibichibi mother, too!!" - Chibichibi doesn't have a "mother" because she isn't a child. She's an incarnation of a starseed.
8. "Real name of Chibichibi is ChibiCler whose dad is an earl-prince in the Earth, but his real identity is Alexandros, Sirius's prince." - Once again, refer to the above.
7. "ChibiCler hence wasn't Galaxia's star seed, but was a cover for doesn't do themselves recognize and she came for aid Usagi." - OH! That explains it now ;P
6. "outer senshi has finally found in her their leader namely Pour Eternitè Eternal-Pour Perisablitè Perisablè Sailor Universi." - AH! Now we see that the creator is not an English speaker. For the French impaired, that means--For eternity eternal--For perisable (food that goes out of date type) Sailor Universi
5. By the way, Pour Eternitè Eternal-Pour Perisablitè Perisablè Sailor Universi is bad French, says my French if you couldn't tell.
4. "But there are many misteries.....some of which will be reveal in 7' season in course in the special manga." - Uh. Right. A Seventh season now...whoo...Who exactly is writing this special manga, because Naoko isn't.
3. "Who is the misterious Sailor that helped Eternal S. Moon at the end of 5' season?" - What a good question.
2. "She is P.E.E.-P.P.P. S. Universi or S. ChibiCler-Chibichibi?" - *speechless*
1. "Anybody say that ChibiCler in future will be S. Cosmos, not Usagi because after Eternal S. Moon she'll be Neo Queen Serenity." - Riiighhttt.
So basically, it was a very admirable try, and the webpage isn't that bad--but the creator has an extremely overactive imagination which is better suited for fanfiction.
Creator: Muskrat
Nominated by: ? |
Comments: |
[Still munching on sandwich]
I could almost play the loading song for this one, but I didn't find the loading all that bad.
Mainly because the loading problems are mainly caused by two things, first a large
background, second a large webring pic. Replace that webring pic with something else, that
thing is huge! Muskrat, if you got this pic from the webring owner request a smaller one.
They are crazy to give out such large pics just for a webring. The
backgrounds through out this site should be replaced. Not only do they
all take too long to load, but they are way too busy, making it difficult to read the text.
Especially yellow text!
As for info, well at least the owner of this site attempted to be original with the profiles.
However, they are very short and have several goof ups, especially the attack names. For
example, Sonic Scream is not Pluto's attack, it's Dead Scream. The Japanese anime info actually
takes you to a site about finding the manga in North America. This guy is actually crazy about
Mixxzine? Well that's a different view!
The only other thing to do on this page is the image gallery. No thumbnails
so we have to wait forever for the whole pic to load. At least none
of the pics are direct linked, but there are about four of them
broken. Ves do you want some sandwich?
Another page with huge yellow text on a not so hot background welcome to unsuspecting visitor to this page. The page itself seems to consist of three sub-pages and several links on the index to 'friends' pages.
The image gallery has some SM pictures with broken links scattered among them. On the image page is a Pikachu 'guest' gallery. I would suggest putting them each to their own page and using text links or thumbnails to cut down loading time.
The profiles page had basic info at best and incorrect info at worst. The spelling and capitalization of the planet names was also inconstant. (Uranus and neptune shows up more then once). There were also more broken image links to be found among the profiles.
The Japanese Info page covers 'comics' (or manga, since the author is discussing the Japanese counterpart). There are some vague references to Mixxzine made and about how it's not 'Americanized'. Sorry if I burst anyone's bubble by saying that it was changed in some respects.
The front page does take a while to load up, but it's the info page got me going.
"Sonic Scream"? Haruka never smiles and has "earth shaking"? Neptune
dances with Uranus at dances.. Um okay... "Amie" was "Ami" or "Amy"
or something, and the owner used "Negaverse" with Japanese SM info...
if you can call it info. Speaking of the owner... Why do we care about
this girl's life in the senshi/scout profiles? We DON'T. That's why we're
on this page dedicated to Sailor Moon- we want info on that, not on her
personal life. Half the pictures are broken links, and I think her main pic
of Usagi is supposed to be hentai or something. (Reminds me of some
Uranus shrine with a hentai pic of Uranus as the main one, torn uniform,
lotsa skin showing... uh oh, getting off topic...) "Lita" and "Usagi" interact
with one another apparently.
What the heck is this owner on? "before
my eyes was a SailorMoon english MANGA comic! And beleive me this
comic book was NOT Amaricanized! It was MANGA, which Amaricans dont
draw and produce merchandise of it, and at the price of 3.75$ (Canadian)!!!"
Bad spelling is one feature of this, the others are that 1) Yes,
some Americans do draw MANGA, 2) Yes, Mixxzine did in
fact "Amaricanize" the manga, and 3) Dang, that's a CHEAP price for
the manga if it was an entire volume. The image gallery consists of
way too may pictures some of which are broken. Iron Mouse is
not Sailor Chuu, and why is Mistress9 on Iron Mouse's page (and
called a virus?)?
[Steals CereCere-san's sandwich]
Well, my first complaint is the background. It's entirely too big and too annoying. It's almost impossible to find a color that reads well on it, also. While it's a beautiful pic, there's obviously a better use for it. The background on Sailormars' page is ridiculous as well. Also a cute picture, but this time it's IMPOSSIBLE to read the text. Why Sailorironmouse has a page and not Sailorsaturn is beyond me, but that's not too important. Ah, I see...the background on the Mars page is the background for all the pages. Well, it's just as impossibe to read on the Pluto page as it was on the Mars page.
There are also lots of mistakes on the bio pages, like Earth Shaking is listed as Haruka's attacks. If mixing Japanese and DIC names annoy you, then this page will definately do that.
On a good note, the author is very enthusiastic and seems to have a very vibrant personality. She has good things to say about all Senshi (whether or not she has seen them) and that at least deserves recognition.
Page: Here´s a Nightmare: MY HOME PAGE!!!!! (We're guessing that's the title)
Creator: MercMike(?)
Nominated by: alive |
Comments: |
Ladies and gentlemen, The Grammy Award Winning singer, Celine Dion...
Near, far, loading pages for so long... [BONK!]
[Celine is knocked out by a Fisher Price Guitar and there is much rejoicing]
LOADING, LOADING, LOADING!! Yes sir! No stealing my spotlight!
Gee? Am I playing Musical chairs here? Why does the music keep starting and stopping?
By the way Palla, you lose! No more chairs! Haha! That's what you get
for stealing my sandwich! I was going to give you some, honest! [ahem]
Back to our review. Now I see why the music is like that, it's a huge
wav file! Wavs are usually way to big to use embedded on a website,
MIDIs are okay, but wavs!? Nope. Dump that.
Then dump the bad background, you can't read a thing on your page with that background!
(This is the month of bad backgrounds! After all of these sites I feel like I need my eyes
realined or something.)
Also dump the several huge pics, plus the doubled, and unnecessary pics. You don't need
all these repeated Tamagotchi and German SOS pics. One will do!
Other than the links, there isn't any Sailormoon info or material on this site, so it's
not worth waiting for with all this loading.
Some may also dislike the fact the writting is very poor on this site.
Well I can forgive the writing because I realize this person's first language isn't
english. But I would suggest finding a friend or relative who is more fluent in english to
help re-read the text. If that isn't possible, I think it would be much better off
if this was converted to a german only site. I believe me, I can understand the problems
with speaking a second language (I've been there), but I personally feel if you are not
fluent enough in the language, you shouldn't be publicly writting something like a webpage
till you have better control over it.
This page takes forever to load, and there is a good reason for it.
The 1826k embedded .wav file is a rather large tip off.
What is the .wav of? Three North American midi versions of the
songs converted to .wav format. The page itself is a confusing mix
of broken English and German displayed together on a horrible
background. The main page is crammed full of Sailor Moon and
Tamagotchi images with only a handful of links showing up at the
bottom of the page. There are two versions of the pages (German
and English), but that doesn't make the content any better. The
dumb jokes page certainly lived up to its name, featuring two jokes
in English that are broken enough to make them barely understandable. Besides that, there isn't anything here that can't be found in a better format on another page.
This page takes forever to load up and there are lots of pointless pictures.
Including ones normally for links that say: 'multimedia' and stuff, but aren't even
linked to anywhere. Basically the page IS a nightmare to load up because of all the graphics.
The text is unreadable against the background. Besides, there's nothing to do here
but download cheesy files and read nasty jokes or go to pages with
nothing on them, but which take forever to load up!