Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Sailor Moon For Dummies
Creator: Tian Jin
Nominated by: Angel2000 |
Comments: |
Hmm... Maxpages. I must ask why would anyone would sign up with these guys?
They don't allow you to use pictures, and they fill each of your pages with five ad banners.
You end up with a slow page, and none of it is due to owner. There are much better
webspace providers out there and because they are free, you do not
have to stay with any
of them. I would first suggest moving this site somewhere else!
Check out,
that will help
find a better free webspace provider.
As I said, Maxpages does not allow graphics, so the owner of this site had to
on information only. But, a lot of the information is way out to lunch!
For example, what is up with this?
"Saturn Saturn: Her English name is Ann, when she arrived she took over the
Sailor Scouts and became the leader, because Serena played the role of the
Ummm, that would be Venus, and even then it only happens in the manga.
Pluto owns a "Death
Staff", that's "100% fatal"? OK, being hit
with a giant key can really hurt, but fatal?
Maybe if she uses the Orb, but
the staff itself?
Then what about "Sailor Tian". Who the heck is
Sailor Tian? Oh wait, the site owner's name is Tian!
It's "Let's write yourself
into the story" time. I mean it's one thing to write a fanfic
with yourself in it,
but don't toss it into an information page without telling people it's based
something you made up.
My absolute favorite page has to be the "Facts" page. It reminds me a lot
of this month's
Worst Page in terms of quality. First of all, a lot of the
facts are very familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm
almost sure I've read them
somewhere before. As for the numerous incorrect
facts, well let's just say I had a good laugh.
Here's a few choice ones:
"Sailor Venus always hated Sailor Saturn for several reasons"
Maybe because (according to this site) she steals her job. ^_-
Alan and Ann were really from the planet Cybertron
I guess they were "more than meets the eye!" (Something for you
Transformer fans)
About 50% of these facts are also based on this person's "Fanfic", frequently
mentioning something about "Sailor Tian".
Before closing, I have to mention one sentence on this page
that really stuck
in my mind:
"Please take the extra 10 seconds to vote for my site. The more votes
the more info I'll put on." I wonder if that includes removing any
of the wrong information?
Whoa. This is a nice site, yeah, five ad banners? No pictures allowed?
Because I was a bit late posting my review, and Cere and Palla covered
most of the wrong
information, I decided to deal more with two newer
sections of this site. The Site FAQ page
and the Character Dislikes Page.
First, the Character Dislikes is actually a sight improvement
for this site.
Before the personal comments on each senshi were heaped in with the
Character Profiles. So it's good they are now separated. The profiles
section, however,
has been replaced with the same old boring stats lists
that many can recite
by heart. As for the FAQ, well it's just as laughable
as the rest of the site.
He finally admits to stealing from other sites.
he believes the stolen material was changed enough not
to be a problem.
The truth is, he copied
every bit of it word for word, and
didn't change one bit.
Question five asks about Sailortian,
the made-up
character. The site owner answers, that he appears in Manga 18, and
goes one to say "He's for real, black spiky hair, black eyes, 5'6",
125 llbs".
I wonder if he was reading Volume 18 of Sailormoon or
Volume 18 of Dragonball, because I can't
find any male, spiky haired
sailors in my copy of SM Volume 18! He then goes on to insist
is Mercury's daughter in the future and says: "Only a true Mercury
fan such as I would know such a sophisticated answer like that."
Sorry if I'm not as "sophisticated", but I don't buy that answer for one
This person should have quit while he could. He is making
some improvements,
but many of those improvements are creating even
more problems for this site.
Thankfully there are no images, though I have no idea why anyone would
want to have a page on a site that doesn't let you have any. I lost my
original review of this site, so I went back to visit. It's pretty funny, he
tries to claim that he's educating people and doesn't know why we're
reviewing him, and to e-mail him if you think your site is better! To
summarize the info sections for the characters, as they are full of BS,
they are totally wrong mixing up NASM, the original, and mostly his
imagination. Go to Para's section to see examples of such trash and
Then, as we all know, the Encyclopedia and the Facts were stolen, with
lovely WRONG additions by Tian or what's his face. The movies section
has a lot more screwed up info about this imaginary movie called "Sailor
Moon SS Movie # 3" which obviously will have a lot of total and complete BS
made up. The "What If?" section has a lot of stupid, vulgar questions
including: "27. What if Luna banged Darien when she turned human in the
Sailormoon S movie?" "28. What if Tuxedo Mask had a penis enlargement?
(Too nasty,I'll take this one back)" "18. What if Melvin raped Molly?" "19.
What if Rei's grandpa screwed Catsy?" and other lovely questions, including
the "scouts" being lesbians; Neptune and Uranus having HIV; Serena coming
from artificial sperm; Greg getting pregnant; and the like.
"How I got hooked on to Sailor Moon - Based on a True Story" is basically the
guy trashing Sailormoon and all the scouts/senshi/whatever and saying how
much better Dragonball Z is. My favorite lines? "When I was young I thought
Jupiter was all that, but now I hate her. The second time I watched Sailormoon
and Jupiter arrived I was overjoyed because she's my favorite. But after
couple episodes, I realized how much of a man she was. And she look soooo
ugly. I couldn't believe I actually thought she was cool. I still blame myself
today for being such a homosexual", "Jupiter is a sorry, ugly looking, moron.
Her strenth is nothing compare to the girls I know at school. Why do so
many people like her anyway? She sucks! She's half beast and half man.
She has no potenial of a lady." and "I can't stand Neptune or Uranus, how
can the scouts stand them? They're lesbians! Well all you need to know is
that I hate them both." As you can tell, any senshi or scout he thinks is or
is like a lesbian sucks in his opinion. There's more character bashing in the
Character Dislikes page, saying Naoko should change everything the way
he wants it, such as by making Tian the head scout or whatever.
Why in God's name does someone who so avidly hates Sailormoon, who has
to make up crap about it, who bashes it in comparison to Dragonball Z,
make up such a stupid page like this? It's horrible. Normally, I don't have
anything against most webpage owners (other than their stupidity), but this
one makes me sick. His mini autobiography is just him bragging about
how great he is- even though he says he's not- and then he has the audacity
to claim that 1) he's not a pervert even with the "What If?" section and
2) that he's a good person! This site is probably *the* worst one I've ever
seen in my life.
Oh. My. God. Let me say this for all to hear, this is one of the worst sites
I've ever seen for information. I REALLY REALLY wanted this site to be
worst of the month, I begged, I pleaded, but we don't always get what we
want (or I'd be Queen of a small European nation). But let this be known
to all that this is one of PallaPalla-chan's most despised sites. EVERYTHING
on this site is either fabricated or stolen. CereCere-san noticed that the
Facts page looks similar, probably because that AND the Encyclopedia
were ripped directly from the Everchanging Sailormoon Gateway. So
what's made up? Where do I even begin? Well, how about the facts
about the third SailormoonSS movie staring Sailor Tian. Not only did
he make up a movie, but he also added Tian to the (stolen) Encyclopedia
with the passage: "Also known as Tian The Great-First appeared in
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon manga 18 and in the Sailormoon SS
movie. He says "Kaiou Kan!" to transform. His attack is "Kamahamaha!"
Wait--isn't that from DRAGONBALL? Can't even come up with
an original attack name...*sigh*
Lets move on to the profile section, since that section is just full of juicy
bits of wrongness, such as:
"Sailor Moon: Is the clumbiest, stupidest, and the biggest loser." -
Wow! I always thought objectivity was the key.
"Serena cries way too much and falls in love with a bunch of guys
through out the series. She's majorly horny." - I'm not even touching that one.
"In Sailormoon S she [Sailormoon] almost gets killed by Star
Starhealer but then the others came and saved her."
"Rei can talk to fire power and get information of it. She's satanic
or something...She goes to the same school as Ami and Serena." -
Hmm, not only did they totally misinterpret the Shinto religion, but
also made a totally WRONG comment about schooling.
"She [Mercury] has a daughter name Ann, who is Sailor
Saturn." - Riiight.
"She has the Death Staff, which is very powerful. It's 100% fatal
if it touches you." - NO ONE TOUCH THE DEATH STAFF!!! AAAH!!!
The ENTIRE Sailorsaturn section.
The ENTIRE thing about Sailor Tian. This Tian thing is driving
me up the wall because the intent is to obviously have people believe
it's real. This page is part of the problem why people think fanfiction
Senshi are real. It's stupid because 1: it's misleading and wrong to
tell people a fake Senshi exists and 2: it's not even possible to have
a purely male Sailor Senshi.
"Uranus fight with one of them long staffs, and her voice actor
is a man. (in Japanese)." - That was one of the more funnier parts.
"Her [Neptune] powers are weak, she fire little spinning disks at
enemies and she has a cool telepathic power trick. Once Neptune
crushed a whole mountain with her mind. How cool. The Force is
with her.(phrase from Star Wars) There was an episode I saw that's
all on their marriage. All the scouts attended and they were all smiling
and happy. It's in a huge temple and Uranus was wearing a tuxedo
while Neptune wore a white dress." - HOLY $%@!!!! O_O WHAT
THE HELL?!?!??!
I can't STOP on how bad this page is, these are just some of the
things--but there are SO many. This page sucks so bad because
I want to think it's a parody site, but it's not! It's so serious. This
person TOTALLY pretends he/she knows ANYTHING about the
series when almost absolutely every single piece of information is
a complete lie and everything real is stolen from someone else.
I'm sorry this review was so long, but that page honestly was the
absolute WORST. Sailormoon for Dummies indeed, you'd have to
be dummy to think this site has any redeeming value. It's an
absolute travesty this site wasn't made worst of the millennium!
Creator: Lord Yume
Nominated by: Nezu |
Comments: |
You have to be joking. Yes, that's it, you have to be joking.
In almost three years of reviewing Sailor Moon pages I thought
I had seen it
all. Fake sixth seasons and direct-linked pics rank right up there, but
is something else. I don't know if I should applaud because this site tops just
about every bad thing I've ever seen, or be seriously disturbed that someone either
believes this, or thinks others will believe it. It must come from some fanfic
"Lord Yume" read. Yes, that's what I'll have to keep telling myself.
This site
is scaring me... [Jumps into Palla's arms]
I'm sure at this point you're all out there wondering:
"CereCere, what is
so wrong with this site?" Let's just say this:
Sailor Neptune, Sailor
Mercury, and Urawa Ryo in a love triangle.
Need I say more? Not very "Correkt" is it?
I can't take anyone who spells this poorly very seriously. Come to think of it,
it's good there are so many weird spelling mistakes here. Then many others
may not believe anything this site says either.
He calls the people who
watched the Dic series "dumb-heads", well
I don't know what series he has
been watching. Dic, Japanese, French,
Spanish or German, no matter
which version, none of them have a love
triangle between Urawa Ryo, Michiru,
and Ami.
Hm. Huge manga picture that is 800+ long and 500+ wide. Whee. What's with
people spelling "manga" as "magna" anyway? The site is pretty degrading if
you ask me. "They're both homos, you got a problem w/that"?" Yeah, I do,
I'm pretty offended by the term "homos". Besides that, the guy is clearly
on something potent, crack maybe, what with his invention of the first
series' story. Something about Michiru and Haruka arriving in the first
season, only to have Michiru fall in love with Ami, and Haruka catching them
and turning into a girl (as Haruka Tennouh is a boy), then becoming Uranus,
while Michiru turns into a guy and beats up Haruka with Ami, then Michiru
and Ami have a love triangle with Urawa. Pretty messed up. Besides that,
the page is in huge font with the owner's name in blinking text; several
obscenities; and a lot of bad grammar.
*comforts CereCere-san* there, there...we all have to face the same horror as
you. But I won't be as brief as CereCere-san was with this site.
Yes, the ever famous Mercury/Neptune/Urawa Ryo love triangle. How did I
miss that when I was watching the anime/reading the manga. The story
begins with the innocent introduction: "Hi! This is LORD YUME with info
abot houw SailorNeptune and SailorMercury and Urawa Ryo (Greg to all
you dumb-heads who have ponly watched the DiC'd serieses)." WOW!
dumb-heads who have "ponly" watched the DiC'd series. Like Lord Yume.
Because it's so obvious he's seen the original version! Oh sorry, did
any of my sarcasm drip on you?
It further continues with: "It wsas in Sailor Moon (the first serieses) when
Sailor Mercury met Sailor Neptune aka Michiru Kaiouh. They were
instantly in love (They're both homos, you got a problem w/that"?)" It
seems to me that "homo" isn't exactly the most PC thing to say, but
beside that WHAT THE &^#$!
Let us continue with this tale: "The n Kaiouh;s boyfriend Haruka Tennouh
comes and beatses Mercury up because they were so madly in love
that Kaiouh missesed a date with him. (Tennouh didnt knowed that
Some weird sexual stuff comes here, then we finish with:
"Kaiouh and then kaioh turns into a boy and goes into Tuxedo mask
mode while Mizuno turns into a Sailor Scout and they both beat the
s[beeped by Palla] out of Uranus and then Urawa comes and Kaiouh
and Mizuno both f[beeped by Palla] him." WOW! That sounds
like a REALLY REALLY bad porno movie! Man...what fanfic was
this based off of? I have no right to judge writing styles, but the
author deserves a SOMETHING for having their fanfic spawn this
crap. Another site with no redeeming value--oh wait, it did have a
nice manga image on the main page.
Page: Sailor Moon and X-moon HQ
Creator: Xmoon
Nominated by: Neo-Queen Serena |
Comments: |
The last page might have been one of the worst examples of information I have
ever seen, but
this site has one of the worst layouts I have ever seen!
I'd love
to help this person, but the code is so messed up I don't even know where
start! Maybe it will look better in Netscape than Explorer. Then again...
You have to love the results Web Provider HTML Editors can give you.
personally believe to make a page, you should know at least some HTML.
I can understand some people wanting to have a page, and trying to
use one
of those editors to save time, but look at what you get!
MIDI controllers
superimposed over forms, the pics superimposed over
links. No one is going
to like a page like this. It's just too confusing!
Go see
HTML: An Interactive Tutorial for Beginners or
for help on how to write your own HTML. Both of these sites are easy to
and they are free!
As for the info on this page, the only material is on a made-up character named
Sailor-X. A male senshi that appears in a "new" season of SM.
Yet another
one falling in to the old trap. For the last time,
there isn't a new season made,
and there isn't one being made.
If this is meant to be a fanfic, say it's a fanfic,
don't set it
up like it's real information.
Avoid this page, there is no worthwhile information, and the crazy
code not only
makes it look bad, but it crashed my browser twice.
This site was taken down before I had a chance to review it. (gomen!)
I wasn't really sure why this site was chosen, just that it seemed to revolve
around a fanfic series without saying so and the fact that the layout was
seriously the most fooked up thing I have ever seen in my entire life. The
dang thing gave me a serious headache trying to load and figure out what
was going on. Now, I know layouts are all good and such and ya want to
impress your visitors, but in many cases, the simpler the set-up, the better
it is. So don't go around trying to make these extravagent things with a
billion tables and frames and graphics and java and javascript and whatever
if you don't know how and can't make it work- and for God's sake TEST
your site's layout before you put it up!
I was just at Sailor X-Moon's site and was unhappy to see a little message
to us telling us to suck it. Lemme tell ya, buddy, you didn't get it anywhere
NEAR as bad as anyone else. You are just being stubborn if you refuse
advice from people, but suit yourself. Let me remind every webpage maker
out there, it doesn't matter how many hits your webpage gets. If people
don't come back ever, it's not worth it. Getting a lot of hits is no real
measure of how great a site is, it just means your title was nice or you
were near the top of a search engine list--or you are linked by LOTS
of webpages...but for that to happen, you usually hafta be a good site.
Crappy sites linking to you doesn't generate return hits. Do you really
think the AQ site woulda been around so long if people didn't at least
respect what we have to say. X-Moon, I applaud you for sticking to
your guns and not listening to what the critics have to say, but in this
situation perhaps you should take our advice to clean up your site before
turning on the bitch-mode, we ARE normal sailormoon fans also--we
aren't the only 4 people who'll think your site sux, just 4 people who'll
tell you straight out it does.