January 2001
Old Reviews for January 2001
Page: Animated Gif Gallery
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/1261
Creator: ?
Comment: This one could be crowned Direct-linking site of the year! But then again, it's only January.

Page: Outer Senshi Realm
URL: http://www.outersenshi.org/
Creator: xhotarusanx
Comment: More direct-linking, not as bad as the first site for January, but still direct linked. Unfortnately the site went down, instead of just removing the stolen material. Which also leaves another problem, a prime domain is now tied up, but with no site on it.

Page: Moony Central
URL: http://moonycentral.homestead.com/
Creator: Moonprincess23
Comment: Appears to be either a misguided plan to get more SM on TV, or a money making scam. You pick which one you think it is...

Page: Sailor Moon Power
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/nv/SailorMoonPower/
Creator: Serena
Comment: Could easily qualify as a Worst of the Month, it just narrowly missed.
Stolen materials, incorrect info, bad layout, long loading, and some offensive statements all rolled into one.