Aluminum Siren Planet Mermaid Creator: Sailorcaeli General Info: Shrine to Aluminum Siren! Features information, and entertainment columns.
Sorry, no pic galleries. References:Best of April 1999
The Slippery Mermaid Creator: Ellen Bekkering General Info: Information on not only Siren, but the other animamates,
and Galaxia. Includes a pic gallery. References:Best of September 1998 (see "Moon Groove")
Papillon Soul Hunter Creator: Sister Animates General Info: Manages to contain a whole lot of stuff on a character that only appeared for a very short while. References:SMPCA5 (2001) Finalist
Tellu Grapes of Wrath Creator: Jupe General Info: Once part of a deleted site; "Sun Spots". However, someone found it
still surviving on Geocities. Still a great place to find info and materials on Tellu. References:Best of Apr. 1999(See Sun Spots)
Zircon F.O.O.F. Creator: Chibi-Haruka General Info: A shrine to Zircon. Wait a sec.. Zircon?! The eyeball with wings?! whoa. References:Best of July 2001