Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Animated Gif Gallery
Creator: ?
Nominated by: Areku |
Comments: |
Hmmm, a broken image... Can you smell it?
No, it's not my socks or the web salad from the Worst Review spoiling
on the counter, it's our old friend direct linking! Seems just
about every last picture on this site actually sits on other servers,
in other people's accounts, stealing bandwidth all over the place.
Hey, even the background images and layout images are direct linked,
not just the animated gifs! Speaking of animated gifs, some of these
"gifs" and not even images. They are actually avi movie files. Now
there's bandwidth stealing at its finest.
I could list all of the sites stolen from here, but let's just say
it reads like a who's-who's of SM multimedia and graphic sites. If
you have one of those types of sites, check out the source code over
there, you might find a few of your files in there.
Looks like I'll have to keep saying it until I cough or something,
direct-linking is one of the lowest techniques in web page
construction. It violates most Terms of Service agreements with
free providers and paying providers alike. The advice to the owner
of this site: take it down. Rebuild if you want, but find your
own material, or at least ask around for some stuff and upload it
on to your own web space.
I took the webpage challenge. I placed my mouse over the senshi
to see what happened. Well, first off, they MOVED. Oh my God,
they moved! What kind of weird fabtabulastic mechanism is that?
Oh wait, it's an ordinary Javascript rollover... Ohhh... And
the pictures link poorly to other webpages. Oooh. And the Outer
Senshi graphics don't even load up on the website until you put
your mouse over them! Is that some sort of neat fad, not having
images working when you first enter the page?
Anyway, I won't kill something that's already been beaten to death,
so I'll just repeat that all the "animated gifs", which are
sometimes avi files, are direct linked from a billion different
servers. Direct-linking is evil.
Some of the links to the actual pages with the direct linking don't
even work, such as the Chibimoon link under "Other". Also, the
pages themselves, besides direct-linking to the background image,
look bad because the text overlaps actual images in the background
(such as Sailor Moon's body), so then the text becomes unreadable.
That should be fixed with tables. Also, the "Other" animated gif
pages just have a lot of animated gifs all piled on one page,
which is a big loading pain. Use text links for those, or at least
just use a non-animated preview picture.
In a nutshell, stop direct-linking and get some original content.
I'd rather warn you, this is going to be repetitive. But if you
like animated gifs and visited a few galleries before, this site
will also make you experience a very strong feeling of déjà vu.
Not only will the images look familiar, but even their locations!
Anyway, here we go.
Main page: the gifs are direct linked
"From the show", Moon, Mars, and Jupiter: all links go directly
to other peoples' pages
Mercury (misspelled): all links go directly to other peoples' pages
TK: broken link
Everyone else: all links go directly to other peoples' pages.
"Other", Moon,Chibi Moon, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn: all broken links
Mercury (still misspelled): all images direct linked.
The others: all images direct linked.
Oh, did I mention the backgrounds were direct linked? Well, you had
probably guessed by now anyway.
And now! [drum rolls]
For outstanding achievements in the area of direct linking every
single thing that could be direct linked, this ballad. Interpreted
by... well, me.
[takes out the harp]
Direct links, Direct links,
Are the work of thieves
Direct links, Direct links,
Just plain thievery
They steal the bandwidth
And slow down both siiiiiiiiites
Direct links! Direct links! Direct links!
[bows and exit] |
Page: Outer Senshi Realm
Creator: xhotarusanx
Nominated by: Hitsuji |
Comments: |
Oh boy! [stars in eyes] It's a NameZero domain!
Those of you familiar with our site know how I feel about domains
and especially about NameZero domains. If you don't, you should
visit our rant section. [grin]
Now, let me first clear the air, we didn't select this site for
a review because it uses a NameZero domain. NameZero is a service,
and even though we are not fond of it, it's up to site owners
whether they want to use that piece of (cough), I mean service.
[insert sweet smile here] But! Before I go on, I just discovered
another problem with NameZero. Because of how it uses a frame
system to stick its ad bar on your site, if you hit the refresh
button, it brings you back to the first page of the site, rather
than refreshing the page you were on. Very annoying. Especially
when the site uses a useless splash entrance page with nothing
but a few pics and a enter button! [damn I'm running out of
facial expressions] Please remove that page, it's a waste of time,
and the problems with NameZero add to the waste of time and
problems it creates. You should allow your visitors to see your
main page right away.
Now to the page, all of the MIDI files have no controls so I can't
turn them off unless I hit the stop button. Which I will do,
because not only is there a lack of MIDI control, but the main page
uses an animated background to boot. Koodoos to the guy at
Microsoft who decided to make the Stop button in IE stop everything!
Remember, too many distractions actually make visiting a web page
a very bad experience for your visitors. Now that my senses can
concentrate on the real content, I discover the MIDI files are on
every page of the site, and are each direct linked from So to the Site owner:
cut down on the junk, especially when some of those things are
actually stolen.
Speaking of stolen, each of the image galleries are not's. They are actually from, another
domain, that actually has to pay money to keep running. Same with
the Multimedia, all stolen, but this time from various sites.
The profiles are nothing more than the doll stats, and take a long
time to load up. Not worth the time. A rewrite with a little
originality would help those sections a lot.
I once said don't get a domain unless you at least have something
worthwhile on your site., to me, doesn't have
much of anything that's worthwhile; a lot of it's stolen; and
the rest is not very original. |
YES! A useless splash page! You have to love those. Not that a lot
of sites don't use them now, they do, but at least some of them
PRETEND to be useful by giving specifications you "need" in order to
view the site. So I click Pluto, and awaaaay I go.
Talk about your cluttered main pages. Woo. I'm going blind looking
at that background. Who needs Porygon when you have animated gif
backgrounds blinking repeatedly at you? And unstoppable MIDIs (on
each page)! Even better. Back to the main page: there are lots of
fancy pictures and buttons that aren't necessary, that just fill up
space, and that just give the page a cluttered look. Anyway, so I
go to the Episode Summaries. The site admits that the summaries are
from another site, which is specifically Hitoshi Doi's page. I'm not
sure why people even have episode summary pages set up like that,
but at least this is something. Same goes with the image galleries-
the site admits they're from but direct-links to specific
sections anyway. However, in the multimedia page, no admission of
direct-links is given. The Movie Clips leads to,
the lyrics to, but the Japanese MIDIs page and Video
Clips direct-link to many sites not owned by this person, yet none
of these sites are credited. Character profiles: I'm pretty sure the
backgrounds were made by other people. They're not direct-linked, but
they're not credited either. The pictures take too long to load anyway
for doll stats/normal anime stats. Animated Gifs page: lots of
animated gifs piled onto separate pages, but piled nonetheless, to make
your loading time extra long and annoying. The page thanks some other
site that did not make the animated gifs. Paper Doll: What am I
supposed to do with it exactly? Links: Most of the sites that are
direct-linked to or stolen from are not linked. Quiz: It's a joke, plus
it's inaccurate. Webrings: Why does this site list webrings it's not
a part of? Awards: Okay..
Basically, this is a useless site that takes all its content and info
from elsewhere. It's an even bigger waste of a domain name. Thank you,
Namezero, for creating a service where anyone can take good, useable
domain names and giving them to people who either lack the
responsibility to use the domains properly or who just don't know HTML.
Thank you for also inviting the widespread abuse of your services-
heck, even people with virtual domains have been known to register two,
three, four, or five domain names that they don't need just to gain a
"share" of the domain market and lead unsuspecting people to their
sites. Anyway, back to the site: gain some originality, stop
direct-linking, and improve your HTML skills.
It's sad when good domain names are wasted, isn't it? Just picture, you could have a nice outer senshi page here, made by someone who was proud of the work put into it, and who felt it deserved to be a domain. Instead, you have a page that just steals the work of other. Let's see. There must be some reason why this page was thought to deserve a domain name.
Design? Well, unless you take pride in giving a headache to your visitors with a flashing background…no.
Oh wait, there are summaries for each of the seasons. That's a lot of work. Oops, maybe not, they are taken from "another site". [looks at the link] Doi's, actually. The links to the five seasons link directly to the corresponding section of BSSM. So no work here, and no reason to be proud.
What else do we have… ah, galleries. Is that the pride and joy of this site? I hope not. The galleries are just direct links to sections of At least credit is given: "These images are linked to Please if you take any of her pics, please link her back." To the owner of : direct linking is not the same thing as linking back. The right thing to do is ask permission to take the pics, download them to your computer, upload them to your server, and credit the original site with a link to the main page of that site.
Next we have Multimedia. Dare I hope for something worthy here? I shouldn't, obviously. The VideoClips are on a subpage of this site, but that subpage just direct links. The same goes for the Japanese Midi section. The movie clips are just a link to, the lyrics link to
Next come the profiles. Multicolour links on busy multicolour background… [shudders]
The profiles are just the stats, so don't bother waiting for those backgrounds to load.
Next section : awards I won. The living proof all those awards are pointless.
I'll stop there, but you can take my word for it, nothing else in here is worth your time either.
Page: Moony Central
Creator: Moonprincess23
Nominated by: Minako |
Comments: |
"The companies that are dubbing Sailor Moon into English for
Cartoon Network have recently had a financial downfall. Many
Anti-Moonies are also convincing the workers that Sailor Moon
is not an asset and can do better to be off the air. That is why
we are trying to raise money to Save Sailor Moon."
Oh. my.
Okay, if the site owner believes this, then sure they made a mistake,
CWI is not having problems, and believe me, no "Anti-Moonies" are
convincing workers they shouldn't work on SM. Hey, they get paid to
do that work. Besides, what "Anti-Moonie" would go through the
trouble of tracking down employees of CWI, and tell them they
shouldn't be working on a show their company owns?Yeah sure,
"Anti-Moonies" are actually convincing people to quit their jobs.
That aside, what if the site owners are trying to pulling a money
scam here? Well, then they deserve worst of the year! First, a
tip to our visitors: never send money to web sites like this one.
Only send your money to companies, and companies you know you
can trust. Do not send it to some nameless person who is using
some free a web space on homestead. At least the site owner's
didn't list their mailing address right on the site.
Oh! There's also an image gallery. Well, nothing appears to be
direct linked, but I suggest that when you click the "here" button
you have the galleries open in the same browser window as the
main page. Don't have another window open just for your gallery,
we are staying on the same site, so let's keep it in one window
and leave it up to the visitors if they want to open another window
or not. |
The rest of the paragraph goes: "This is beyond those SOS pages and
things like that. This is for real. Also a lot of money if we can
make enough will go to make a BETTER dubbing process. This way Sailor
Moon will no longer be for Little Kids. They will make it as we know
it from Manga and the original anime - now for adults. So please do
all you can!"
What a hoot! What a scam! I'd love to ask who on earth would buy this
crock, but sadly, I know that there are people who probably would take
this at face value. (Looking at the mailing list stats, there are 20
members, including the owner. Sadly, from the mailing list, it seems
like the owner is taking herself seriously and is attempting to get
members to recruit others and join programs that give her $1/$2. And
also she quotes SOS word-for-word without credit... Not a biggie to
20 members.) Honestly, people, this is FRAUD. This is stuff that can
get you into serious legal problems if people have actually sent in
money to this website owner.
Anyway, I would also add that people who can't even spell "companies"
are not very trustworthy. This site tries to appeal to you by being
vague- "we have heard an earful". No specifics, no sources, no
nothing. It tries to raise the "Moonie" within you by blaming the
"Anti-Moonies" for non-existant problems. It tries to reach the
anti-SOS crowd by differentiating itself from them. They try to make
themselves seem legitimate with a good cause- "this is for real",
"a BETTER dubbing process". Again, no specifics on what a "BETTER
dubbing process" is. They even throw in things that make absolutely
no sense- "make it as we know it from Manga and the original anime
- now for adults". I wasn't aware that the anime and manga were
targetted towards adults. You'd think those dolls, learning books,
jewelry, make-up, etc. would have showed me, but no.... Also, it
never mentions WHICH "dubbing componys" they're financing. Glad to
know my Monopoly money and five cents from lemonade stands are going
to a worthwhile cause.
Anyhow, moving on. The site design is horrible. There's the god-awful
Comet Cursors, and there's useless Java at the top. The site tries
again to make itself seem important by saying "exclusive", as if their
pictures stolen from other sites are exclusive only to them. This
link takes me to a useless splash page that says "Image Galleries" and
a badly done mailto: link. There's also other junk it advertises: "On
This Page we Will give you the latest info, pics, bios, music, and
everything on Sailor Moon." as if there are new bios being churned out
everyday or something. The image galleries page' layout was obviously
taken from some freebie place. The image pages themselves are
unorganized: they're cluttered with animated gifs and full sized images.
The "Misc" link doesn't work, and Chibimoon's page is a riot: "Sailor
Chibi Moon (Me, Brittany)! I am Sailor Chibi MooN! Sailor Chibi Moon
- The Soldier Of Future Mystery - Only at Moony Central"
Overall, it's disturbing that people are this deluded and gullible.
Hopefully most people aren't taken in by scams like this.
Well well, if it isn't a good old fashioned money scam. How do we know? Well..
The whole thing is completely unprofessional. From the comet cursor to the annoying animated banner, from the spelling mistakes to the awful grammar, this site is obviously NOT "serious stuff". Come on, if they were so into business as to know insider secrets on how well the dubbing companies are doing, they would also know how to spell companies.
Also, the whole story of how "they" have heard an earful lately about money troubles for those companies and anti-moonies convincing the workers to quit their jobs is pure imagination. If this were true, the sources would be named and more details given. And do you really believe that there are people out there who hate SM so much that they even try to get anyone working on it to quit? Do you really believe that those workers would listen to them? Sure… and there's a web cleaning day once a year, too.
The rest of the site is not worth your visit either. There are a picture galleries, but nothing original or exclusive in any way, that's just another lie.
Page: Sailor Moon Power
Creator: Serena
Nominated by: Minkus |
Comments: |
[Blows the dust off the toy guitar]
[Gargles some water]
mi mi mi mi!
Gee, I'm out of practice, let's try this again...
Loading, loading, Loading...
Whoa, this page's still loading...
Now at the risk of making me sound old, I haven't seen pics this big
on a site since the late 90s! Okay maybe it didn't make me sound that old, but I
mean it's been a while since we came across a site this poorly setup.
It has huge pics, and I mean HUGE, used for link buttons to each section, and
unless you use the status bar to figure out where each picture leads, you're left
having to wait for them all to load up to see where each link leads you. If you
are going to use pics as link buttons, they should be small and fast to
load up. Otherwise stick with good old text links. It's one thing
to have decorative elements of the layout load up slow, but it's another
when the navigation is slow to load. It becomes a big waste of time
for your visitors, and they will often leave and go somewhere else.
The character sections each contains the usual stats with some extra
stuff thrown in. The Moon info has a little "story" summarizing SM.
Unfortunately, this leaves more long loading as the little story has
several little pics stuck in the middle of the text. Sort of like a
story with pictures for words. I would suggest removing the pictures
from the "story" to speed up loading and to make it easier to read. I
found those pictures so annoying I didn't even bother to read it.
If the site owner is worried about people knowing who Mars or Rei
is when she's mentioned in the story, instead of having a pic, make a
link to the Mars section.
The other characters have picture galleries
right with their info, and I'm sorry to say, this is yet another site
that direct-links its images. Save the pictures to your hard drive
and the upload them. Sure, all the pictures come from a gallery that
says it's okay to use them, but you're stealing their web space,
their bandwidth. Remember they asked you to save the images you want
to use? Then there's all the lovely comments the site owner adds to the information.
Leave your opinions out of the info sections. Info is just that info, "just the facts
ma'am". You shouldn't influence a person's opinion about a character if they are
reading up on them for the first time. Let them decide for themselves if they like them
and what they do. If you want to rant on about what you like and don't like about
a character, rant about it in an opinion section.
There's actually a large amount of information here; too bad half of it is spattered
with junk opinion comments, and it takes so long to load. If those problems could
be cleared up, and all the stolen material dumped, then this might become a nice site. (Keyword: "might") Until that day comes, don't waste your time visiting this site, it takes to long to get around, and what you see when you get there is either junk or stolen. |
This site should have been worst. Maybe next month.
For the love of God. Unless you have a REALLY fast connection, do not
visit this site. Honestly, it is NOT worth your time to see how bad
this is. There are 19 or so HUGE pictures that serve as both title
graphics, webring graphics, link graphics, and useless graphics on the
front page alone. That's not including the badly done background and
the broken images. You cannot read the text. The animated gif of
Sailor Moon has a funky image tag; for some reason, this HUGE picture
that says "Sailor Moon Rules!" is used to link to an adoption page on
another site. There's text that says "E-mail Me NOW! Just click on
the animation right next to this" and then stops because there are
images either covering up the text, or it just ended.
The character info is more of the same- a billion, huge pictures smacked
on each page. Serena's page mixes the original anime with the dub;
the stats are combinations of the dub, original anime, and made-up
stuff. Towards the end, the "Who knows about Serena" is taken directly
from Hitoshi Doi's page with the owner's additions of pictures for
every character mentioned. Of course, the owner thinks you as the
visitor are an idiot who knows nothing about Sailor Moon, but not only
are you a newbie, but you don't know much about the English language
either, and you must have a T-1 connection in order to view all the
"pretty" huge pictures the owner's provided for you. Thus, when the
owner calls Serena a "clutzy", "crybaby", "stubborn", "wimpy", and a
"ditz", you get individual pictures of Serena looking like all those
adjectives. That's five useless pictures right there. It just goes
on and on about Serena though, posting a picture for every character
mentioned or every "important idea". This is insane. The picture
gallery boasts 153 images of the owner's "favorite scout". At least
the images are thumbnailed and are split up onto separate pages, but
there's no point in wasting your time here when they're all
direct-linked to other websites.
The Characters pages makes it more obvious the direct-linking going
on- some of the images and the MIDI. Again, there's a huge banner
for each individual scout. The individual pages have some brief,
badly done info on the scout or character, the mixed stats, and then
a huge arse image gallery at the end. The pictures are all
direct-linked to other servers, of course. Darien's page is just as
bad as Serena's, by the way. The owner also puts "(lol)" after
every time she writes "Sailor Uranus", then makes a snide comment
about Uranus and Neptune: "When she first met Sailor Uranus (lol)
(who are lesbos. eeeeeewww) she was already a scout... Sailor Neptune`s
destiny was to find 3 talisman from the people with pure hearts. They
were themselves along with Sailor Pluto. Sailor Uranus and Sailor
Neptune were to put their mission before themselves. They don`t
follow it to well. They are mean towards the other cool scouts and
treat them like children. I, personally don`t like these scouts."
The Saturn and Starlights profiles are obviously stolen from other
sites. ChibiChibi's profile states: "Some say She is Serena`s
daughter or Reeny`s daughter. Who the hell knows. She turns into a
scout later."
I didn't even bother reading the villain and other profiles, but if
you think the scout pages are bad in loading, the last few pages are
a LOT worse. Moving on. The lyrics pages are just the American
song lyrics with images smacked on randomly; the group characters
pages are just a billion pictures on one page; the Serena and Rei
friendship page sucks; the Couples page not only gets couples wrong,
but it says completely offensive shit like "This relationship is a
touch queer. In the manga and in the Japenese anime version Zoicite
and Kunzite (Malachite) were both guys. (EEEW) Fudgepackers."
Yeah, around this time I kind of wished that webpage reviewers aren't
supposed to make personal attacks. Anyway, the Sounds page, surprise,
direct-links to everything and has a billion pictures on it. The
voices page just lists the Canadian VAs with huge pictures next to
each character; the awards page is crap; the awards for you page is
such a LAUGH. Get this: "Sort of difficult to win. Your site must
be organized(like mine)and have a unique design. 7 A hard award to
win. It has to be way cool and its magic will enlighten me. 8 This
is the hardest to win. It has to complete my standards. So I wish you
good luck on winning this one. 10" I don't know what's wrong with
the quiz, and at this point, I don't really care.
At any rate, I stopped, and there's not much more after this anyway,
not unless you care about the "Cute Guys of America" or whatever.
This is one of the worst designed pages I've seen in my life. Or
at least, it's the worst designed page I've seen in a long time.
To be blunt, the content sucks too. Direct-links, image stealing,
info stealing, etc. are everywhere. I guess if the owner somehow
learned HTML, taste, and a wide variety of other things necessary
to make a decent webpage, it wouldn't be too bad, but it still
wouldn't be that good either.
What in the world…? This page is taking long to load a cable modem! Sing Cere, sing!
It's no wonder, either. There are tons of huge pictures, and some of them are direct linked! Is this person trying to be reviewed? If they are, let them celebrate by fixing this mess…
What little text there is on the main page is hard to read because of the background. The whole layout is completely disorganized. The last line of Sailor Moon's speech is cut from the rest by an animated gif and a link to an adoption agency. There is an invitation to email the owner by clicking the animation right next to the text, but there is no animation to be found nearby.
All the sections use a huge picture as a link button, and not necessarily a nice picture. Once again, some are direct linked.
I can't say much more about this site without repeating JunJun and CereCere, so just let me sum it up for you: this site is so bad it could be a joke. It does almost everything it can to be bad: direct linking, huge images, bad layouts, unoriginal information, stolen text, unstoppable midis (that are direct linked), etc. The worst of it is, this page is BIG. But seeing it's all stolen stuff, I guess it didn't take too long to make.