Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Sailor Moon Paradise
Creator: Navi
Nominated by: Jaime, rabbit_chan, and others |
Comments: |
Well let's see, it looks nice enough, loads fine, the info is good, so what's the deal here?
What's wrong with this site?
Then you find it.
It steals, and it steals a lot.
Most of the material on this site all comes from Senshi Bliss ( How do you know that Senshi Bliss didn't steal from Navi's Paradise? Well it was tough at first to find the evidence, but then it hits you. You find a big mistake! The music section on Navi's page actually leads to, a page on the former home of Senshi Bliss. All together now say: "AH-HA!"
The Senshi Bliss site has the music page, while Navi does not. Think it's now obivous who
stole from who.
The character bios are stolen, the Naoko bio is stolen, and like I said the music section is linked, in a way Navi can try to take credit for it.
As for the little bit that's left of Paradise, the image page is now closed to be rebuilt. Then there is the links page, it doesn't contain a link to Bliss, and the sites that are listed also don't have hyperlinks. Navi either has their banner, or the text of their URL. But nothing is clickable.
Navi says, "Please don't take anything from this site! I worked very hard on it, so don't take ANYTHING!!! Thank you!!!" Which leaves me puzzled. Other than uploading the site and copying and pasting someone else's hard work, how did the owner of this site work "very hard" on this site? Maybe they should take their own advice, don't take anything, get rid of what you stole. Someone else truly worked very hard on it.
"Hi everyone! And welcome to the greatest sailormoon page ever! Sailor Moon Paradise is your one stop information and other sailormoon things page! I hope you enjoy your visit!"
Whenever I read something like that, a little alarm bell goes off.
"Please don't take anything from this site! I worked very hard on it, so don't take ANYTHING!!! Thank you!!!" There's that bell again.
Sure enough, just about every last bit of this site's content is stolen from another site, Senshi Bliss. It's beyond me how anyone can say something like "don't take anything from this site!", while taking just about everything on their page from another site, and still be able to live with themselves. The word "hypocrite" doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.
If the owner of this site wants to show us real hard work, then she will get rid of all that stolen content, and create her own, in her own words. If she wants to quote a site, fine, but get permission for it, and give credit where credit is due.
Ah the miseries of life! Such hard work it is to steal other people's hard work! It's
a good thing you have those requests there for no one to steal your stuff. We all
know how much nerve SOME people have.
Honestly, it does take a lot of guts to call what you did hard work and to take
credit for what you have on your page. Here's a news flash for you. Copying info
from Senshi Bliss DOES NOT qualify as hard work, even if you changed a few "Usagi"s to
"Serena"s and "senshi"s to "scout"s. Linking someone else's music page qualifies
even less.
Come now, be serious. Did you work hard on those bios? No! You stole them!
Did you work hard on those music files? NO! You linked them! Where is the hard
work? There was none.
If you like Senshi Bliss so much, stop stealing from it. Instead, link it on a
page that's really yours. Both your visitors and the owner of Senshi Bliss will
appreciate. |
Page: Sailor Cry Destiney's Sailor Moon
Creator: Sailor Cry Destiney
Nominated by: usagi |
Comments: |
A site with a lot of very familiar banners and buttons. I've seen these banners so many times I know exactly who made them, I don't even need to look at the source code.
The only text on the site: "Welcome to Sailor Cry Destiney's Sailor Moon Web graphics Page ,Have fun, take all you want, but please give me credit! These are some of my favorite banners I made, hope you like them!" Credit? Made? Ummm. [cough]
It's funny is how so many people can make pics that look just like Lycentia's. What's even funnier is how those images are so much like Lycentia's, they actually sit on Lycentia's site. That's a neat trick! How did Sailor Cry Destiney make these pics when they are all direct-linked from Lycentia's site? It's also funny how the border backgrounds page looks just like Lycentia's, and all the links on that page are broken. Ha. Ha. HA! Funny... [winks] |
One of these days someone is going to give Lycentia an award or maybe a Guinness record or something for the most direct-linked, most stolen SM site ever. Not a nice distinction, but it seems every time we do a review of anyone that has a free web graphics section, at least some of the graphics are stolen from her.
[stares in fake disbelief]
Someone stole from Lycentia?
I guess if you're going to show no creativity and steal someone else's
content, you may as well go all the way down the well of unoriginality
and steal from Lycentia... I swear there must be a group of people out
there determined to make Lycentia's the Naru-chan of SM websites. You'd
think people would show appreciation to someone who offers so many free
web graphics, rather than turn green with jalousy and claim to have made
them themselves, while direct-linking them. Yeah. We believe you. Sure.