Here, in no particular order, are some of the pages which help to find Fanfics or pages
which gives you suggestions on how to write them. Below each link you will find a very brief
review and description of each. Like our other features, we will add to this list as we
find more pages and/or review more that fit this catagory.
Greenbean's Homepage
Creator: |
Greenbeans |
Description: |
- Contains several articles about fanfic writting in Essay/Rants Section
- Also contains fanart, plus fic libraries containing owner's own fics and personal favorites
Sailor Orion's Refuge
Creator: |
Sailor Orion |
Description: |
- A resource for tips on how to create your own senshi for use in fics, RPGs, etc.
- Includes the "Sailor Generator", where you can put all your ideas for a character
together and print out a character sheet.
- Also contains it's own Sailor Orion fanfic, with accompanying fanart, music, and other materials
The Best Sailor Moon Fanfiction
Creator: |
John Hitchen - maintained by "Serenity" & "Nephrite" |
Description: |
- All fics are read by the site operators before they are posted, and only those
the approve of are posted. (Hence the name of the site...)
- Interview Section with SM fic authors.
- Search for fics by author, senshi, season, title, category and even time period!
- Includes "Top Ten" listing favorite fics of the site creator, and maintainers
- Easy navigate with frames. Sure the design is a bit dated looking, but it's very easy to follow and quick to load.
Kawaii Love
Creator: |
LadySpring16 |
Description: |
- A "themed" fanfic archive, focusing on fics about the relationship of Usagi and Mamoru.
- Fics are organized by Authors, Occasions, Seasons, and title.
- Includes the site owner's list of "favorite" fics.
A Sailor Moon Romance
Creator: |
Andrea Hui and Sailor Skuld |
Description: |
- Hands down, this is the largest of all SM Fanfic Archives.
- The Fic archive is organized mainly by author name only. They have
started a category index, but it's limited to only a very small amount of the fics.
- Updates weekly (currently on Sundays).
- Includes forums, fanart, romantic pictures, and romantic music sections.
- Also includes 'Lemon' and 'Hentai' fics.
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