5th Anniversary Special
Amazingly enough, it has been five whole years since this web site began. How it lasted this long we'll never know. But if there is a reason, it must be due to the support our visitors have shown us over the years. We thank all of you for visiting our little corner of the web, whether you nominated sites, submitted articles, gave us tips on news, or even just came in and had a good time.
Here are descriptions of what you can find inside:
- SM People's Choice Awards 5 - Our "traditional"
anniversary section. The final results are now in! See which of your favorite sites won.
- Memories - Includes a look back at not only this site's history, but some of the major events that affected all Sailormoon fans.
- Silly Facts - Silly to some, interesting to others. Check out
some of the numbers we have racked up.
- Articles - Past articles which commented on this site.
Includes Rants, and Lemures, plus Columns, Interviews, and Reviews from other sites.
- Gallery - Screenshots of past layouts, and other images from the last five years.