Here's a collection of shorter articles about fanfics that were originally submitted to our Lemure Files
Guest Articles section:
- Down the Beaten Path
From November 25th, 1998. By: Saylor Sun. A few things new SM fanfiction writters should keep in mind when starting out.
- Character Theft
From August 8th, 1998. By: Sailor Chibi Earth. About fics that steal original chaaracters from other fics.
- How to Create a Fan Senshi
From August 6, 1999. By: Scarlett Duchess. The title says it all, how to Create a Fan Senshi for a fanfic, RPG, etc...
- The Spirit of the Senshi & Other FanFic Notes
From January 14, 2000. By: Xqmrp. Covers various topics about SM Fanfics. Including ideas, themes, originality, etc.
- Fanfic Cliches, Peeves and Inhumanities
From January 17, 2000. By: Athena. The title says it all! A list of some of the more popular Fanfic Cliches, plus some peeves, etc.
- More Otaku Tips
From April 25th, 2000. By: Scarlett. Lists both problems and tips for sites that feature fanfics, and fan-characters.
Of course, it also offers up some tips for the fics.
- Too Many Repetious Fics
From January 24th, 2001. By: Millennium Guard. The title says it all, Guard believes the plots of fanfics are getting to repetitive.
- Earth & Sun Aren't Unique?
From July 25th, 2001. By: Sailor Kawaii/NekoCat. Ideas on how to make your fan-created senshi more original.
- Stuck in a Fanfic That You Can't Get Out Of
From August 14th, 2001. By: Kaiousei. Why you shouldn't use the same storylines, over and over.
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