The REAL history of the Sailor Starlights
Here's Why:
- We wonder where the ____ this info came from.
- Hard to read on the current background.
Positives About The Page:
- HTML wise (except that background) it works fine.
- Nice fan art.
Nominated by: ? |
Comments: |
This site tells an interesting story about the supposed origin of the
After seeing the site, we wondered if any of this was true.
So, first we searched for the
magazine they say it comes from on the
net and checked with the owners of our favorite
anime/manga stores.
From both, we came up empty handed. Some of our contacts did
tell us that
they believe this magazine is an European publication,
which would explain why we couldn't find it if it
does indeed exsist.
Second, we had some of our contacts write both the owner of this
site and the
person that passed on the info to that owner, and neither
could give us any clear answers to
our questions. Third, we haven't
seen any of this info on any other site in the last four months.
we doubt all this info could have come from one little interview
considering the average
length of interviews in magazines, which
leaves us with something smelling a little fishy here.
Of course, this could have been all made up by these people or
someone else. It might have been
caused by some "Telephone Game."
You know, the game where someone starts
off with one phrase and
whispers it to another person who passes it on, and so on...
when it reaches the end of the line, the last person suddenly has a
whole different phrase. The info at the
start might have had some
truth to it but was altered along the way. Then again it could have been
not true to start with. If that's the case, this page owner shouldn't feel
too badly about this but should check
his/her sources better in the future.
There is also the possiblity that this thing came from the
exact same
source that reported that whole stupid Haruka/Michiru thing that
SOS screwed up on a few
months back. Who knows? If it is true,
where is this magazine? The owners of it need to be really
The background does make things a little hard to read on this page as
well, but I won't dwell
on that too much. The real lesson here is check
your sources, and don't trust everything you read
out there! Now excuse
me while I go read a Supermarket Tabloid- now there's a trustworthy
source. Hah!
Hmm... I spent more time nit-picking for spelling and grammar errors
actually believing this load of... I, like JunJun, would like to see
article itself before I'll believe. All I have to do is to think back to
SOS and the 'Prince Uranus' report to justify my skeptism.
A plus for the site is that the fanart is well done. It compliments the
story being told as well. I really can't see this as being anything
more than a
fanfic, and as a fanfic it works. As anything else, I don't
buy it.
At first I thought this page might be one of those correction pages that
attempts to help the poor Sailormoon fans of the world in figuring out
the most perplexing (and scariest) senshi. Maybe, I thought, this
would be a page that tried to explain exactly who the Starlights are,
what they want, where they came from, and answer the question once
and for all- "*What* the hell *are* they?" Buuuuut, I was disappointed
when I finally looked at the thing.
First, the owner of the page can't spell Takeuchi Naoko's name to
save his/her life, which really makes me believe that this is a
farce. Second, it comes from another infamously unfamous magazine
that no one's heard about. Third, it doesn't even use real manga pictures,
just fanart. Let's take this apart logically, shall we?
First, why the heck would Takeuchi make up this entire, elaborate story
about each of the Starlights when she hasn't even done a fourth of that
for most of her real senshi! We never meet Minako's parents except
in Sailor V, we don't know much about Makoto except her parents died
in a plane crash, we know zilch about Haruka and Michiru's family,
and we know even less about Setsuna's really weird life. Added onto
that, we know like *nothing* about any of the senshi's pasts except
for the very basic information- nothing as drawn out or detailed as this
so-called Starlight history. I mean, they die in tankubon 17 and are
never shown to be resurrected after that- how important can they
Second, it's true that theoretically Takeuchi could have told this all
to a European magazine- she told an Italian one about Haruka and
Michiru's relationship, but why is it then that this site offers no real
proof? It says a magazine name, then presumably an interviewer
name, but it still doesn't say which country this came from (only
after asking, our source tells us the owner said from Europe), which
year this came from, what issue number, what pages, nor does it
even give a scan of the thing! Our source also says that ironically,
the author of the site claims she translated the actual thing from
French though it was originally from another European country, but
if that's the case, she should easily be able to get the original
owner of the magazine to scan the interview. Does she do it? No.
What does this say? "Crock" comes to mind. The only positive
thing I can say is that hopefully it doesn't have as much influence
over its public as SOS's crock.
Hmm, nice story and art... if it were only a fanfic. I give the girl credit,
she's creative. I'm not sure if I should blame her for making a mockery of
everything...or congratulate her for a creative story. One thing is for
sure, there is no way in hell this is right. Let's begin with why:
1. A magazine called Animemangaland? Sure. That sounds real believable. I
personally know of most of the major anime magazines, and I've never heard of
this one.
2. This is just me being nitpicky, but her name is Takeuchi Naoko. Not
3. Their first names aren't Yaten, Seiya, and Taiki. It's their last. Their
first names just all happen to be Kou. YES! Their first names ARE Kou! I'm not an idiot. I know that family names come first, and personal names come second. CereCere-san suggests that you take a look at your manga, or take a look at
Doi's page.
Also, here's a bit of a culture lesson for those who don't know about Japan, most of the time people call each other by their last name, ESPECIALLY people they don't know too well. And most ESPECIALLY in schools. If you watch subbed Evangelion, you'll see Shinji calling Rei, "Ayanami."
4. Half the names in the story aren't Japanese, or anywhere NEAR what might
be considered Japanese half the time...and the ones that are are so very
obviously the most stereotypical Japanese names. Seriously, Yakumo?
Like I said, this makes a great fanfic story since it's a semi-believable
story...but's not right. Especially since on the main page it
displays quite boldly: "This is legit!"
Sure it's legit. The next question is, was this girl duped by someone...or
is trying to pass off her own fantasy as the real story?