The Sailor Moon Hideaway
Here's Why:
- Accused of plagurizing not one, but two pages.
- Long download, large pages, lots of scrolling.
Positives About The Page:
- Info mainly correct, no mixing of Dic and Japanese.
Nominated by: Chibikou and "name withheld" |
Comments: |
Damn, stole not one page but two? Sheesh! The pages in question
are the Uranus page and the manga page. They are very similar to
two other pages, one being very similar to the "Sailor Senshi Page"
Manga section. BE ORIGINAL! Added to that, I don't like the
page's layout generally. The index page is a mess! Ten thousand
ratings, rings and poll things! How I HATE webrings. Put them on
another page. Also, reduce the size of the larger pics throughout
the whole page. They are way too big, and take forever to load.
Especially the SOS one, it's just for a link.
Um... You like crappy setups? This one's a sure winner. The character
pages are TERRIBLE. The tables are all screwed up, all the pictures are
full size and huge, displacing the text so that it's shoved up to the size. For
a lot of characters, like Rei, both the manga and the anime info are exactly
the same, cut and pasted for both, even if they don't apply. The info is
oftentimes wrong, mixing dub info with original info with manga info, giving
the senshi exact heights that they don't have, and you can tell from the
blatant fact that his manga page is a total rip-off of the Sailor Senshi
page's that he didn't even find the info or the attacks for himself. A notable
example of the plaguerizing is in the manga vs anime things, if compared
it with the Sailor Senshi pages, have sentences that are nearly perfectly
copied, but this is apparent throughout his manga page. The pages are
all long loading, huge text, too many graphics that are blatantly stolen,
the spoiler info isn't spoiling *anything*, the storyline info mixes dub and
original stuff, like his entire page, et cetera.