Mandee's Sailor Scout Page
Here's Why:
- Takes too long to load up
- All the info is WRONG
- It mixes NA info incorrectly with Japanese info
- Character profiles are totally messed up
Positives About The Page:
- A few nice images, but seen them all before
Nominated by: Sawa |
Comments: |
This page isn't
too bad looking on the surface, but there's a lot of wrong info in here.
It's kind of slow to load up, maybe cause it's a tripod page (which always seem
slow lately), but also because of how large the page is due to the several
pics that are used to link to the info on each character. As a suggestion,
get an image map or something to cut down on the page's over all size. As for bad
info, this page is mainly 'NA based' which is fine; however as it often happens
when they try to talk about the outers, several mistakes are made.
This page absolutely
stinks. I'm sorry to have to insult a 12-year-old, but please. She's
obviously seen nothing but the North American version, and yet she
deems it necessary to add in Japanese info that's wrong. She calls
everyone 'scouts', mixes in Hotaru info any place she feels like, and
she adds in new things. Neptune's name is not Micheru and she
is not in love with Darien, Andrew, Mamoru, or Motoki; Hotaru
does not kill herself; Haruka is not 18 while in high
school, try 16 in S; and Pluto does not die after bringing
Uranus and Neptune back to life after giving them their Talismans.
And those are only a *few* of the thousands of mistakes on her page.
Overall, *this* is a perfect example to support how mistaken info
can totally mess up people.
I have no
problems insulting a 12 year old, not because I'm a shameless insensitive bitch,
mostly because if you're old enough to put up a webpage, you're old
enough to assume the responsibility of not wrongly informing the public
who went to your page for the reason to be informed. This page made Neptune
out to be like guy crazy... Sure she's that, but we really know who
she loves. I looked over the quiz too, and although I can't say what
her answers are... Something tells me those are wrong also. Some questions
were 'What is the evil Sailor Saturn's attack?' considering there was
never really an evil Sailorsaturn... Nor was there a special 'Evil Sailorsaturn
attack.' This page needs to clean up its mistakes.. It just makes more
people think the wrong thing.