If you haven't heard about "A Sailor Moon Romance" yet, you don't know what you are missing.
Most people have heard about this huge and established site before and some of them who are
reading this might be wondering why I'm bothering to write a Second Look Review about a site
everyone knows. Well there are three reasons: First, "A Sailor Moon Romance" is one of the few
sites we reviewed in our first year as "best" that is still around, and we never kept the
original review for. Second, this site has gone through some rough times lately
like some management changes and hosting providers taking them down. The final reason?
Well to let even the few people that don't know about this site know about it.
To put it simply, "A Sailor Moon Romance" is the largest and oldest archives of Sailor Moon
fanfics on the Internet. I doubt any site could ever come close to the amount of stories
contained in this archive. But it doesn't end there. The site now boasts a forum
and has two other sections: the Romantic Pictures and Romantic Music sections.
The Romantic Pictures section
is divided up into three sections, one section contains mainly manga scans, another contains
pictures of Naoko Takeuchi, and the third is a Fanart gallery. The funny thing is, the fanart
gallery is suprisingly small when compared to the giant fanfic library. The Romantic Music Section
contains a small collection of SM MP3s and reviews of those songs.
The layout of this site has always been nice and generally easy to get around. However, some
people may not like how the Archive is only sorted by author's names and not by subject, which
can make it difficult if you only want to read about a certain senshi or villain. I'm not trying
to imply they should fix this because, let's face it, with an archive this big, it would almost
be impossible for the site's staff of two people to reorganize all the fics by subject as well
as by author. So that problem we will all have to live with. However, a problem that can be fixed
is in the Naoko Takeuchi Archive. Several of the pictures in that section are broken, this could
have been caused by the site's recent move to it's new domain which was setup after it's previous
host shut down the site. It's possible that with all the uploading in the move, they
forgot about changing the addresses in the IMG tags or missed uploading that directory.
As for loading times, well sometimes in the past SMR has been a bit slow, mainly due to it's large
amount of visitors. However, their new home is faster than ever and there are no loading
problems to be found.
I can't end this review without mentioning the hard work both the original creators and current
management of this site have had to do over the last few years. These people have to be the absolute
hardest working SM site owners of all. Not only do they maintain a very popular, old, and large site,
but they continue to update it almost every weekend since it opened. Not only that, they have survived
several problems in the past year, problems that would have shut any other site down for good.
A lot of people are happy to see it hasn't shut down, because this site is responsible for getting
so many SM fans into writting fanfics because it provides them with a good home for their work.
So if you love fanfics, "A Sailor Moon Romance" is the place for you.