Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Moonies Fun House!
Creator: Guyver
Nominated by: Sailor Twinkle |
Comments: |
Moonies Fun House, eh? Fun... fun ripping off other's sites, eh?
OK, there are rip offs and then there are rip offs.
Pic stealing is bad,
direct linking is a bit worse, stealing text
and layouts is getting pretty
low too, but the lowest form of stealing?
This Page.
Take a look at some of the pages on this site, then look at the ones off
of (Castle in the Sky).
Notice they are exactly the same, notice the addresses are exactly the same.
All the creator of this "Fun House" did was slap together a pretty sad looking
index page and tried to take credit for just about all the material on the
"Castle in the Sky" page. Taking a look at the source code, another page
is also being ripped off here in a similar way,
I think it's about time this Guyver really got off his lazy butt and actually
put more than
10 minutes of quality work into his page, rather than sucking
of other sites like some
kind of leech.
Hey! I've been here before! Haven't I? Guys, haven't I? Why am I reviewing
Tokyo/Ginza/3623 when a good chunk of it is from Tokyo/5976? Have I gotten
the wrong page? Let me see if I can find some content that is actually at
this page's site. Um.. I couldn't find one. Well, direct linking is
way to save Geocities space, but I certainly wouldn't encourage
it. Gotta
think of something to say. C'mon Ves, you can do this... Um...
the new 'g'
watermark that Geocities uses is less annoying then the full
name one.
There, I did it :)
Whee, this was fun. Not only does this page have a bunch of worthless
animated gifs to make loading time soooo much slower, it also direct
links to other pages and tries to take credit for the work. I particularly
loved how the owner says for everyone to go to *his* Mixxzine review
when it isn't *his* in any shape or form. My only question is why would
anyone *want* to steal from a site that has screwed up info anyway?
I'm not trying to advocate doing this, but it seems to me if you wanna
steal from a site, steal something *good*, not these trashy half-assed
summaries that try shoving the scouts into the Japanese episodes
which truly makes no sense whatsoever.
*sighs* there is so much stolen stuff on this site isn't even funny. There's
nothing on here that has any originality, it can be found on any other page.
Someone tell me why you make a webpage if you don't have anything new
to say? I'm really bothered by the direct linking thing, I *HATE* that. As
a page owner, I know how incredibly ANNOYING that is. Do these
people realize that it eats the bandwidth of the other page, thus making
those pages slower...and also loading the graphic up slower as well? If
you don't have space for something, then for god's sakes don't use it.
Page: My little Sailor Moon page!
Creator: Sailor Tempest
Nominated by: Luna Bahamut |
Comments: |
This page may take a little while to load? Hmm...
You know what that means... Wait for it... Wait for it, people! NOW!
LOADING, LOADING LOADING!!!!!!!!! [Fewww...] Like you didn't see that
Why does this page take so long to load? Well, the pics on it aren't
overly large, and there aren't too many. However, it's the background
and the MIDI
file that kill it. That background is huge, and while it's a
pic, it doesn't make a good background. First, it looks really odd
in anything above a 600 screen resolution, and it makes parts of the
very difficult to read. Did I also mention it's big? I did? OK.
Info wise, it's not a good idea to list your made-up characters
right alongside
the actual ones, keep them separate as it confuses people
that might
be new to the show. Some mixing of the Dic info with the Japanese in the
profiles pages, especially in the attacks lists for the Inners. Also some wrong
info that
I'm sure the others will say more on this in their reviews below.
Also, there isn't a need to have a MIDI file on every page. Embedded MIDI's
slow down the loading of pages.
Now I'm trying not to be too harsh here because it seems
this person at
least recognizes some of the problems with her site already. She
a few times for people to email her if they notice incorrect info and so on.
So, if she is willing to openly listen to advice from others and learn a few
things, this site is already on it's way to becoming a lot better.
This page didn't take too long to load the index, but I also looked at it
during a non-peak hour. (No matter how good the page is, Geocities can be
slower then a slug during the high traffic hours...) I did run into loading
problems when it came to her having two of those henshin/attack animated
.gifs on Jupiter's page (along with a midi). The information on the
pages isn't much more then the typical stats, (you know the
routine) on a
hard to read background. The Star Lights page was just stats,
no description
or anything. Yawn, off to the next page.
Okay, front page took a while to load up. Twas okay, even though I
wasn't sure who "Sailor Tempest" was at first and why she was so
important as to be listed first of the senshi/scouts/senshi-scout-people.
Lesse... All the pages have the same background, and many times
the text is impossible to read over it. Uranus- Darien thought of her
as a rival before he found out he was a she? Uh, let's say no for that
since that never happens. "
Michiru Kaiou was a transfer at Serena's
school" and her attacks include "Aqua Mirror Reflection." Double
no. Mina accidentally killed off the guy she liked, and she became
Sailor V who apparently isn't a scout/senshi even though the "V"
stands for Venus and 'sailor' sorta signifies senshi to begin with?
Triple no. Rini's "Magic Streanght" is "Sweet (cute) Magic"? I don't
know where that came from, but another big fat no! All the info,
as you can see, is screwed up and varies from advocating info from
the Japanese original to saying the NASM is the main source; don't
mix these up! Better yet, don't make crap up too! The only thing
that made me smile was the "Friends and Alleis" page- the banner
has pictures of characters from DIFFERENT anime.
The loading wasn't bad for me, but I have a good modem. I'm going to tell
you step by step what's wrong with this page as I search through it.
[first, we enter the Saturn profile] The first problem I see is the choice of
background. Yes, the manga pic is beautiful... but it isn't a good background.
Every sentence has a typo and there's wrong info too... Anime is mixed
with manga and I died laughing reading: "Sailor Neptune and Sailor
Uranus tried to kill Misstress 9 thinking she was evil." HELLO! She *IS*
evil! o_o
[next, the Uranus page] Good god, it's the same background! ACH NEIN!
And the information is screwy too!
[next, I try the Mercury & Neptune sites--dead links] An obvious problem
[Last place, the Friends and Alleis [sic] section] AAAHHH! Another
background that you can't see text over, and this one is worse. Make
up your MIND, are you watching the NA series or the Japanese series?
Mixing everything up.
This is seriously one of the worst sites I've ever been to. I don't even have
anything nice to say except the pictures are nice, ill-placed, but nice.
Page: Sailor Figment's Sailormoon Page
Creator: Sailor Figment
Nominated by: Jackie |
Comments: |
Everybody remember the song again? All together now, one, two, three,
Loading, Loading, loading... That's it! Keep it up! Ummm, wait, guys
maybe you should stop,
you might be singing for quite a while with
this site.
Yet another long loader, sometimes I swear people send these pages
in just to hear me, make
that see me sing the loading song.
Figment, I would suggest dumping the large pic on the
top, getting
rid of half of those webrings, moving all the links to other sites and
the banners that
go with them to another page. You know that large
link page you also have on your site? That would
be a good place
for them. Also move those search engines, and help someone like me
take a
break from singing the loading song. Now see how much quicker
the page loads? Simple, right?
I mean there is no need of having
eleven, eleven?!?! oh my stars, now I wish I didn't count
all these
webrings. As I was saying, there is no need to have all those webrings
on the
index to your anime pic gallery either. All those pics on the rings
take time to load!
With all this loading I almost forgot the real reason this page was
nominated- direct linking pics in the image galleries without any
credit given to anyone else.
I'd love to comment on some useless awards this page also gives
out, but I don't want to
take the chance of possibly insulting the pages
who have won them without taking a look at
[ Starts singing the loading song ]
[ Keeps singing the loading song ]
[ Gets tired of the loading song ]
[ Goes off to make a snack ]
[ Comes back ] Whoa, it's done. I'll have to remember to go check on the
turkey sometime during this review. One has to be prepared for randomly
arriving holiday guests, y'know.
I'm kind of afraid of following the links to other pages because the index
will have to reload when I hit 'back'. Even from the cache, who knows how
long it will take? o_O
I've braved into the picture archive, and what do I find but web rings? Why
would you put those on your archive page unless you wanted them to count as
pictures or some other silly thing? I find it ironic that not only are the
images linked to a multitude of different sites, but he also supports
'freeing the images'. Um, sure. But this isn't just stealing images, it's
also stealing bandwidth and someone's time and effort. Speaking as someone
who would try to petition God to give us 30 hours days, I find this
While I'm at it, the one other thing that gets to me about direct linking is
that, in the end, someone is paying for it. While someone could build a
weak case for free servers such as Geocities and Tripods, when a person
links from a private server, that is theft of services. A person is
shelling out money for a service (storage) that someone else is stealing.
How right is that? Geocities has its costs in terms of having to endure the
advertisement and emailings telling you about whatever product they are
pushing this week.
< takes a deep breath > I'm going to go check on that snack...
Siigh. I'm not sure I get this- okay, I hit stop because I'm not that
patient after about five minutes of waiting for some page to load.
What do I see? A billion trillion stupid things that clutter, clutter,
clutter. Do us a favor, pal, and dump those or move 'em. Went to
the image gallery page since I really don't give a fig newton about
Figgy and Sailor Figment and their imaginary lives. Sooo I click
on the different areas, then I'm greeted with a few more links and
about a billion banners and webrings. You know, I'm happy you
support all the senshi/scouts, but if I wanted to know about that,
I would have asked. When I go to a section marked 'image gallery,'
that usually means I want to find images and not every single
god forsaken Sailormoon organization that you support. In any
case, this was a waste of time and cache space- everything is
direct linked from other sites. The only positive thing about this
is that the creator at least links these pages- unfortunately, he
links every other Sailormoon page in existance as well and doesn't
bother to distinguish between the sites he stole from and everyone
else that he didn't take from. For the love of God, there must
seriously be a million banners to other Sailormoon pages on the
links page, I won't wager how long it'd take anyone to load all of
them up (provided the banner links work!) If you want to list a lot
of links, go for text, not banners, or else have like maybe five to
ten banners on one page, then five to ten more on another, then
so on.
Alright, I have a speedy modem but this page was too much. After
a while I hit stop. Let's write this note down, shall we? A person's
intro-banner shouldn't be anywhere near the 100k mark.
Although my esteemed associate, CereCere-san, won't remark on
stupid awards, I will. Awards are given to those who do a GOOD job
at something. I'm not saying the pages who got the awards are bad,
but using awards as a way to get people to link back to you is lame.
Not to mention using awards to boost up the fragile egos of people is
not what they're for either. They are supposed to commend a person
on a job well done, NOT for having over 10 links (and because they
advertise for you)!!
Lastly about this webpage, the image gallery was stolen... thus making
this another stupid site.
BTW: one last comment, why does this person have a DIRE button
(DIC Is Really Evil, which I agree with) when they use all sorts of NA
names and even the term Scout... ooh... a mystery.
Creator: Sailor Doom
Nominated by: An anonymous and concerned Moon fan |
Comments: |
I could end this review with two words: "Spice Scouts".
I'm not even sure I want to click that. JunJun, I'm too scared!
My apologies to Spice Girls Fans, but even some of you might be saying
"Spice Scouts? What da?"
Moving on to the rest of the index, it loads fine
and techically works fairly
well so nothing really bad here. Next the info pages,
first thing I notice,
Narunu and Ruruna are not real scouts OR senshi and neither
Mokoto and Asanuma. Narunu and Ruruna are just two of the characters
from the
"Chibi-Usa's Diary" sections of the manga. They are only senshi
wannabes, not true senshi.
They should only be in your Supporting
Characters section. The crows
Phobos and Deimos are only Mars'
guardians, like the cats Luna and Artemis, even in human
form. Ho boy,
fandub names in here too... Neptune isn't Michelle, Pluto isn't Suzanne.
May I refer you to our
Rant # 4 and
Character Names Section for help in fixing that. There is a lot of Dic,
Manga, and
anime mixing here, which makes the info a little hard to
follow, even if you are quite
experienced with Sailormoon.
Let me start by pasting a bit from the summary of Palla-Palla (just so you
get to see the par for the course). "Palla - Palla is the blue one that has
a fascination about blue spheres. She might have use them as a weapon.
becomes Sailor Palla." While this is technically correct in a loose sort of
way, it certainly isn't enlightening and, with the lack of solid information,
is almost misleading. And, I'd just like to point out once more that
is a guy as in MALE (and I'm not talking postal service
I could go on and on about the mistakes in the information, so
I'll leave it
at that.
There is a picture for the character with their profile. A majority of
seem to be from the manga (and more precisely, chopped up versions of
the large cast portraits in the back of the artbooks). The versions that
are cut out tend to be deformed and blocky from being resized to fit.
Curiousity got the better of me. I had to find out what the Spice Scouts
were. ACK!!! The Spice Girls have been 'matched up' with who they look
like (his opinion) in the show. And the first match is Ginger Spice and
Vesta! Then we've got Mina/Baby Spice, Christine/Posh Spice, Suzanne/Scary
Spice, Lita/Sporty Spice. There are also doctored up pics for your
imagination to twist over. I think I'm going to cry now...
Thank God! A Page that doesn't take seven point five hours to load up!
Yes, maybe this page won't be so bad after all... Whoops, spoke
too soon. Just by looking at the senshi/scout profiles, something's
Chibimoon, for the last freaking time, is NOT, I repeat NOT, an Outer
Senshi! Break that habit, people! She's not, no matter how much
you want her to be! THINK about it! Chibimoon, ChibiMOON, Sailor
MOON, ChibiMOON. Get it? Second- the whole sidekick scout
thing. This has been beaten to death, but c'mon! What in God's
name made this person think that two *guys* who *never* transform
into girls with skirts were Sailor Senshi? I can understand vaguely
the Naruru and Ruruna thing since, after all, this person obviously
has no grasp of Japanese (or English for that matter) and will fill
in the blanks for himself with weird, twisted stories he concocted.
I don't know why he/she also made up imaginary statistics for
Rei's birds, human forms or not, that's ridiculous. Anyway,
moving on...
Obviously the owner likes to mix anime, manga, and NASM
info together with a helpful splattering of made-up crap. Let's get this
ingrained into your mind: Ace is *not* V-chan's lover, so don't even
try going there; Sailor V is *not* just a computer game character,
what, does V run around in a computer that happens to be in England
too?; and for Jove's sake, Minako may be slightly bonkers, but she
definitely is *not* MP so don't try making her out to be that. The
profiles on Moon, Mars, and Mercury weren't necessarily wrong but
they were incredibly short and shallow; FYI, Makoto is the youngest
of the five main Inner Senshi; "Erika" or whatever certainly isn't
"just be a teen girl who likes motorbikes and suits" and "Michelle"
the "amateur violinist" isn't known to fall into hysterics everytime she
sees a daimon; if you think Hotaru is "quite friendly to others," you
must be watching Alternate Dimension Sailormoon or something,
in case you didn't notice that all her classmates shun her as a
freak-reject; the Starlights aren't sisters, and how anyone can think
they're guys as senshi is way past me, unless you are blind to
seeing fully developed chests and long legs and hearing higher
pitched voices; and finally, what the heck is a "peragus"?
Last comments- I didn't see the Spice Scouts thing since I
really didn't care, but it's interesting to note that if you scan
the supporting characters info, after being spoon fed so called
"English" names for all the senshi/scouts and their friends, you
come to the "Less Known Cast" and see all the original Japanese
names. It's like, What the hey just happened here? The image
galleries also take a long time to load up.
Personally, I thought Sailor Spice thing was funny. I know someone who was
going to make a parody fanfic about that. I outta tell her to beware. But
At first glance, the site looks nice. Kinda... linear.. but nice. Then we go to
the info sections. First, I went to the Mars site which was beautifully
done...Then I had a lil' laugh at: "The fire inside the temple acts as a
detector to seek out any danger that is near them."
People, the fire
isn't some sort of alarm system. It's part of an ancient way of divination...
like tarot card reading, or palmistry. ^^;
Alright, for the last time, the Outer Senshi NA names aren't Michelle,
Suzanne, Erika, or Christine. Who cares how much you like the names,
that's not what they are. I personally like the names Michiru, Setsuna,
Haruka, and Hotaru for NA names, but does anyone care?
Now it's time for the REAL fun. Sidekick scouts! Narunu and Ruruna are
manga-omake characters, they aren't even main characters, and as far
as I've seen, they aren't in the anime. Phobos and Deimos? Not Sailor
Senshi, more like guardians. As for Sailor V, she's Sailorvenus, so
what's the point in listing her as a sidekick? That's just aesthetics,
I suppose. I just also wanna say, Who the **** is Ace?! What does
that have to do with Sailormoon?!?! Sailor V manga is like an alternate
universe, it has no real bearing on the SM world. Why don't we list
the main character of Rain Kiss? Hell, she looks like an older Ami.
OH! I know, let's talk about the PQ Angels too. o_o You might say
Sailor V & Sailormoon go hand in hand, yea yea, but it's also
misinforming to people who don't know the difference when they see
Ace listed in a list of SM characters.
As you can see, this page is just a mess of messed up information, and
although pretty, it's definately not a good source for knowledge.
Bouns Pages!
Because we received so many nominations once again this month here are some more
pages that we just couldn't let slide, with brief reviews.
Page: Artemis Sailor Moon Page
Creator: Artemis
Nominated by: pink
Comments: Once again we have a page that direct links, steals both pics and bandwidth
from other sites. This of course results in a slow loading page with broken pics everywhere.
Sorry Artemis, but what good is a image gallery filled with broken pics? Use your own webspace.