Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Sailor Earth s Domain
Creator: Amara
Nominated by: Erika |
Comments: |
One splash page, two splash pages! [Cere suddenly feels like "The
Count" from Sesame Street]
Yes you heard me! Two splash
pages, and both are the same old useless "Click here to enter" type.
I mean come on, one is bad enough, but wasting people's time
with two? In my opinion, you should only use splash pages when
you need to. This is only when you have alternate
versions, alternate languages, or a listing of requirements for viewing
the page. They are not needed for showing off pictures, song lyrics,
or poems. If you want to use those things on
your site, find a way to integrate them into your index, or subsections.
Don't throw up another page, or in this
case, two pages for them. You're only wasting our time.
Finally the index page! The layout looks fine, however I should mention
the layout does not resemble the layout of the splash pages at all.
That's another thing about Splash pages, try to make them at least resemble your
design, just like you should try to have section pages resemble your index somehow.
Running down the links on the left, first there's a SM search engine
that comes from Next we have a few links and awards
sections with a page of MIDI files stuck in between. I would suggest
moving the MIDI files to somewhere else in the navigation, maybe next
to the picture galleries links and activity link. This would organize
things a bit better.
I won't get into The Sailor Earth Sections that much, because it is a
fan work. However, I did take a quick peek at them though, and unfortnately
found some direct-linked pics to some general clip-art sites. There are
more direct-links on the Activities page, ripping off bandwidth from
sites like CleverMedia and Geocities Gadget Factory. Get rid of the stolen
pictures and games!
The next few links get really interesting.
A lot of them lead to sections of
"The Sailor Senshi Page", but at
it's former location on Then one section, "The Sailor Moon death's page",
is stored on Sailor Earth's site, but has been lifted completely from the death page
on "The Sailor Senshi Page". Hey, if I wanted to see The Sailor Senshi Page, I would have
gone to The Sailor Senshi Page! There are no credits for this material either. None of
the links are marked as belonging to another site, and her credits and links
sections don't mention the SSP anywhere.
The next section that is actually stored on this site is the Profiles and Images
section. The profiles are your usual stats, with a list of attacks thrown in.
Not original, but at least not really stolen. However, all of the pics in the
galleries, plus the ones accompanying the profiles were once again stolen by
direct-linking. Most of them came from, which is now down,
so all of those pictures now show up as broken pics. The pics that do work
are all taken from
After seeing all these direct-links pointing at sites that have long since moved or
shut down I thought this site must be inactive. That must be why all this stuff
is still busted! However, the site still seems to be updating. It's last update
was only back in May. So, not only does the owner of this site steal just
about everything, he/she also does a very poor job keeping track of
what's broken on the site. Animecity shut down almost a year ago, and this
person hasn't noticed all those broken links yet? Throw in those two
"lovely" splash pages, we are left with a site that is a complete and
total waste of anyone's time.
{clicks the first picture}
Well, at least it's not expected. Last thing I expect when I click on the picture
of a splash page is another slash page... this one even has a looping midi with
no stop button. And direct linked pics. Ggggg... ANOTHER thief.
{clicks the second picture}
Yep, a thief alright. This one doesn't just steal pictures, it steals whole sections of
other pages. It direct links to many sections of SSP (without any kind of credit), or rather, it tries to. You see, the owner never noticed SSP moved and is no longer
available at the old animecity address. Quite the sloppy thief we have here. It also
links to "Anti Mercury Page" as if it were hers, and copy and pasted the SSP's "Death Page".
So let's summarize the content of this page...
SailorSeek99: not hers.
Anime additions is the links page (don't feel bad if you didn't guess, neither did I).
The midis are not hers, but her friend's.
Award section, link-me section, awards won, broken links for the Post Cards.
Sections on her Sailor Earth
Thank you pages for her friends, activities (seen everywhere java games)
SM paper doll: the good old DIC one
SM rumors : links to former location of SSP
Sailor Venus's Planet : a separate venus site
Anti Mercury page : links to The Anti Mercury Page (which is not by her, by the way)
SM Death Page : stolen from SSP
3 galleries direct linked from the former location of the SSP site
1 empty gallery
Profiles: the info is not stolen (gasp!), but there is hardly anything there. The galleries
are on another site that direct links the pictures.
And it goes on like that. Lots of sections, but no original content. Not only does it
waste your time, it tries to waste a lot of it.
Just when I've started getting use to splash pages, I run into this.
I wonder if Cere came up with a clicking song? Oh Cere is "The Count" now,
what does that make me? Elmo?
So I wait for both to load, so I can see if there is anything of real value on
either on them. There isn't, which leaves me with the feeling I should just leave
now, and go somewhere else. Why waste anymore time?
At last! The main page! Wait, it seems I should have gone with my instincts and
went somewhere else, namely The Sailor Senshi Page. Half the links lead to the old
address of The Sailor Senshi Page. At least it's the old address, so the owner can't
take the credit for those pages anymore. All the owner can take credit for is Animecity's
shut down notice! You would think the owner would have noticed this by now,
but she hasn't. Does she even visit her own site? Then again, it isn't exactly
her site.
The rest of the site is either fan-senshi stuff on that ever
popular choice, Sailor Earth, or just ripped off, direct linked pictures, and good
old stats profiles. Yes, going
somewhere else is sounding pretty good right now.
Page: Super Sailor Sun's Temple of Sailors (Senshi) [Gee say that five times fast!]
Creator: Sailor Sun, or Princess Kakyuu
Nominated by: Rabbit-kun |
Comments: |
This site was nominated for one thing, direct-linking of files and boy there
are a lot of them. A lot of the backgrounds, buttons and various other web graphics
are direct-linked mostly to two sites: Bunny's
Tour Through the Silver Millennium and Lycentia's Graphics Page. Why is it everytime
we do a set of reviews, at least one site rips Lycentia off? It's getting so
bad I have her full Geocities URL memorized now and I'll admit I don't even visit it
that often! Well, at least all of the "regular" pictures of the Senshi, and other
characters are not direct linked.
Now after a quick scan of the site, it's obviously by someone fairly young.
So why I am picking on her? Well apparently people have complained to her before
about her stealing, and asked her to remove graphics, yet she does nothing to change her ways.
So let me spell it out for you. Direct-linking of files is wrong. If you don't know what
I mean by "direct-linking" that's when you put the address of a file that's on
another site you don't own into your webpage for images and other files. You are not only
stealing files from these people, but you are also stealing webspace, and bandwidth, and are slowing their
sites down a bit. Sites that direct-link violate the rules you agreed to when you signed
up with Angelfire. You could be kicked off of Angelfire for doing this, also, the people
who you took the files from can change those pictures and really put up something
you don't like, such as messages "This person is a thief", and guess what, it
will show up all over your page.
Ask for permission first, then download them, then upload them to your own site.
Also give credit and a link if they ask for it. Both Bunny's site and Lycentia's site
are mentioned in the "Best 20 SM pages" Section, but neither have actual links
to them, and neither are mentioned as supplying the site with pictures.
Okay, now to the other things on this page. Well the info is in a bit of a mess.
There are frequent spelling mistakes, and grammar mistakes. The owner of the
site should ask someone to help proof read the site for her. Also I wonder
if Ami's Library and Rei's Info Room could be combined into one single info
section. The info in both sections are very short, so it would look a lot
better if they were combined together into something longer. Also, you shouldn't
leave things half finished them post them online. For example, the Movie page
only has a summary of the R Movie. That in itself isn't bad, but that summary
only covers half the movie, and then stops. Where's the rest of it? You shouldn't
post anything online till it's all done.
This site does have some good ideas going for it, but it needs a lot more work.
Remove all of those stolen pictures, get someone to read it over, and finish the
unfinished sections, and don't post anymore sections until those existing
sections are done.
This site has very little info, not all of which is correct, plus there are
a lot of spelling mistakes. Many of which are nothing more than
typos that could have been spotted with some quick proofreading.
There is a ton of direct linking. Some of the backgrounds are direct
linked, a whole bunch of direct linked little animated gifs, and
the cute little link buttons are direct linked. Phew!
Rei's information room is in real need of some refurbishing... not only does it
direct link pics, but it badly needs a proofreading and the info has quite a few
mistakes in it. For example, Rei cannot talk to fire, she sees visions in it, she
doesn't carry a conversation with it. ChibiChibi's name doesn't mean "very small rabbit
of the moon", it just means very small (literally, SmallSmall). No rabbit in
there, nor moon.
The Jupiter Gallery has more direct links, and has a comment about
having no clue why two girls would like each other. That is really out of
place. The intro makes it sound like there are many "doors", but only one is
active. At least the images in the gallery itself are not direct linked.
However, making thumbnails for them would improve the look of the gallery and
make it load quicker.
The music section also has many direct links, but as was the case with the Gallery, the
meat (in this case, the MIDIs) are not direct linked. There is a strange logic at
work here. It seems she knows that direct linking some stuff is wrong, but she
apparently thinks it's okay in some other cases. Well, here's the scoop:
direct linking is ALWAYS wrong. You're stealing space and speed, and bandwidth,
from the very sites you like! In some cases you could get sites in trouble with
their web hosts for using too much resources, which could force them to move or close
down. Now, you don't want that, do you?
This site could grow up to be pretty nice, but it needs to stop stealing and to start
The front page is, well, kinda busy. Most of the graphics come from freebie pages,
and about half of those are direct-linked. At least there is a MIDI
controller to stop the MIDI tune from playing over and over. The sections of the site
are divided up so they represent each of the major Senshi; "Mercury's Library", "Mars'
info room"... that sort of thing.
The subsections have similar setups to the index. Again, the owner uses a lot freebie
graphics, and a lot of those are still ripped off by direct linking. There are also
MIDI's on every single page, but once again, at least a MIDI controller is always
provided. Then there are some broken images in Rei's info room, because those images
were, yes, ripped off by direct linking. This time from Bunny's Tour.
A lot of the information sections are very incomplete, so far only Moon and Chibimoon have
really been covered and the info on each of them is very short. What Cere said might be a
good idea, combine the two info sections (Library and Info Room) into one, better Info section.
Adding to the feeling of incomplete info, is how some of the pages have
headers for some of the other senshi, but nothing follows it. For example, Rei's Info
Room has the title, "Princess Ami, Ami Mizunio" (by the way it's "Mizuno") and then nothing.
What's the point of putting the title in if there's nothing on it yet? Leave off any indication
of incomplete sections until they are complete. The info that is there is generally correct, but
are in real need of some good proof reading.
One part that is wrong,
"On the day of their wedding Queen Beryl attack, killing them and us." It was not their
wedding day. In the Library section, I also don't feel quite right about how the owner
uses a Black Lady image in Chibi-usa's profile. Yes, Chibi-usa was Black Lady, but just
throwing her picture in Chibi-usa's profile without mentioning how she became Black Lady and
how she eventually turns back leaves a bit of an unexplained hole. Someone who hasn't
seen that part of the show may wonder when does Chibi-usa grow up, or even who the hell is
The "movie vault" is a very incomplete summary of the SMR movie, so once again I have to say,
if it isn't ready, don't put it online. The image galleries are okay, same with the
MIDI page fine, except the credits for the files should include links back to
the sites the owner got them from. It's not enough to just list the name of the site.
There could be five sites with that name, and using the name in a search engine does not always
turn up those sites. The "Best 20 Pages" is another example of this problem, it
lists nine pages as the owner's favorites, but it only has their names, no links.
Well at least she picked the two sites she rips off as favorites. I wonder
if "Amazon Quartet" is supposed to be us?
Basically this site was put up too soon. It needs to be completed further, get rid of
the stolen images, and properly credit the sites the owner uses files from. It also should
be tested, and tested over, and over. Only then will it be worth the visit.
Page: What You Didn't Know About Sailormoon
Creator: The "Original" Chibi Chibi
Nominated by: Shelley |
Comments: |
Here we have yet another page that could be a joke/parody page.
That's how bad it is for information. So, we looked over every bit of the
page, highlighted it for hidden messages, checked the source code for hidden
comments, and even checked the account directory for hidden HTML files.
After the search we came up with nothing, nada, zippo. So either this
thing is serious, or someone is trying to really fool some newer fans
without warning them this is a joke.
The index does have this message: "These
little known facts are presented
here as a result of my exaustive research into behind the scenes information
of the lovely anime called Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, or Pretty Soldier Sailormoon."
Well if this thing is serious, I wonder where in the world this person came up with
this junk! What's so bad you ask? Well first off we have this lovely theory:
"Sailormoon's Creation and Naoko's Obliteration" Obliteration? Naoko?
Somehow this person says Toei came up with the anime in 1991. Soon
after "Naoko Takeuchi, a manga artist who had a talent for
drawing but unfortunately only made doujinshi." made the manga version
of Sailormoon, "but making it serious enough so that it didn't seem like a doujinshi."
Now those of you who haven't fallen out of your chairs, or aren't running around
the room laughing yet, the real origin of Sailormoon is, of course, much different.
Here's the reality check, Naoko created the beginning of a story called Codename: SailorV,
and it did better than expected. They talked about making it an anime and so on.
However, Naoko and her editor felt the original story needed to be expanded so, Ms. Takeuchi
developed it into what became Sailormoon. It was published and licenced by Kodansha. It was
not a "doujinshi", which is a fan-drawn or unlicensed manga. Toei also came in to create an
anime to run along with the manga. This is why on the end of the English dub it
says in the credits: "Based on the comic book by Naoko Takeuchi". The only Sailormoon
"doujinshi" Ms. Takeuchi ever made is contained in the Sailormoon Materials Collection.
It was a previously unpublished possible, alternate story line she was tinkering
with at some point.
I could go on and on about this page, but it would be easier for me to simply say,
just about nothing on this page is fact. None of it is true, according to the
real manga, the real anime, and all the other official materials that have been
released. It might be worth a visit if you want a laugh, but if it's correct
information you're after, stay away from this site. One last note to the
owner of the site, if this wasn't meant as a joke, and you want some help finding some
real information, then take a trip to the sites listed in our
Archives. I would really
recommend checking out the Combo Pages.
You might be surprised by what you find.
Original ChibiChibi
Well, I'll give her that much... she's definitely original!
About Sailormoons Creation and Naokos Obliteration,
as Cere explained and as many of us knows, Naoko created SailorMoon,
it is not a doujinshi, but a legitimate original manga.
SailorV was started before Sailormoon, but is not a doujinshi either.
Naoko's other works are not doujinshi of Neon Genesis Evangelion or Ah! Megamisama!
either. Most of this section is simply not true at all. Wherever ChibiChibi
got this info from, she should double check her sources...
The Dead Moon Circus Secrets are so secret neither Toei or Naoko ever knew about
them. Most of it is either extremely stretched out personal interpretation
or just plain false.
The Outer Senshi Secrets section has more inventions.
Saturn is NOT the leader of the outer senshi, and although the description of
Pluto's dark dome close attack is kind of funny, but it's completely false.
I hope I don't need to tell you that Haruka and Michiru did not have sex
for 24 hours following Eudial's death, or that Hotaru did not become friend
with ChibiUsa to steal her crystal. Once again, the webmaster oft his site should
check her sources carefully.
The section about the Lover of Princess Kaguya is especially amusing. I have that
volume of the manga (11), and I can assure you, it's pretty much the same story as
the S movie. It is NOT about the characters of Stars. What you describe here
must be a fanfic you confused for the real thing. Once again, check your sources!
This whole page is pure fantasy. I think some more checking and research is
really needed.
"What you didn't know about Sailormoon". Okay, I'll agree, I didn't know any of this,
but only because about 99% of it is wrong. This is quite possibly joke, no one could
have come up with this after "exhaustive research", or could they?
I'll skip "Sailormoons Creation and Naokos Obliteration", Cere summed that up pretty
nicely, and move on to the newest section, "Lover of Princess Kaguya". For those of
you who have read up on the manga, you may know "Lover of Princess Kaguya" comes from
tankoubon 11. For those of you who don't know of it, it's basically the manga
parallel to the SMS movie. However, what's on this site is a totally twisted version.
ChibiChibi sticks to her idea that Naoko's manga is a doujinshi
of the anime; she thinks the story is about Princess Kakyuu and Yaten;
Kakyuu was changed to Kaguya for reasons unknown; it takes place on their home planet;
and ends with Galaxia's attack on the planet. Well first off, tankoubon 11 came way
before tankoubon 16 (the first of Stars), so Kakyuu and the Starlights appearing in
in number 11 is quite out of place. Next, Kaguya was the Snow Princess
who wanted freeze Earth, and has nothing to do with Kakyuu which, by the way, literally
means "Fireball". I do believe a fireball is quite the opposite of snow, so that whole
name switch thing is really out to lunch. The story is not about a
love triangle between Kakyuu, Yaten, and Seiya. It actually centers on Luna
developing feelings for a Dr. Oozora Kakeru. The freaky thing is "ChibiChibi" believes
her version of "Lover of Princess Kaguya" is Naoko's best work, and plans to
develop a fanfic from it!
There's other lovely things in the other sections; "Fish Eye of the Amazon Trio was also
supposed to have a hobby of child pornography, but the anime creators found
this too distasteful. Fortunately it doesn't appear in Naoko Takeuchi's doujinshi
either." There she goes with that doujinshi thing again. Well, at least she's
consistent. I should point out in the anime Fish Eye does admire a boy from Chibi-usa's
school, for his "youthful beauty", but it's not carried to extremes. Here's another:
"Zirconia bashes Sailor Jupiter on the head when she is attacked with Jupiter Maple
Revolution. She uses the staff she carries to smash Jupiter's skull, but of course
Jupiter is so strong that it doesn't kill her." What the heck is Maple Revolution?
It's Oak Revolution, and Zirconia never hits Jupiter on the head with anything.
"Cere Cere and Jun Jun are always throwing bananas at each other." When?
"Sailorsaturn is really the leader of the Outer Senshi, but she is too
weak to really do anything actively, so she lets Sailoruranus lead for
her, and Saturn advises Uranus." Buzzz! Wrong again.
"Michiru and Haruka almost had sex in episode 110, but then Eudial
called and interrupted them, so they had to leave to answer Eudial's
challenge. After Eudial died, they celebrated her not being able to call... they had sex for almost 24 hours" Sureeeeee they did. Yes, they
are a couple, but I don't think the anime or manga would show or even
refer to them having sex for 24 hours!
There are only two or three sentences here that have anything correct.
Unfortunately, those few correct things are then twisted to support a
completely incorrect idea.