Here's some sites that came close to being called to the "Worst"...
Page: Sailor Star Saturn's Super Sailor Star Scouts Site
(yes say that 5 times fast boys and girls...)
Creator: Six Seasons
Nominated by: Yoake |
Comments: |
Picture gallery could be better. It would be nice if you
could see thumbnails of pics rather than just descriptions. Plus
the pics are rather small. Ooo...good old "Scouts" used with Japanese
names! The profiles aren't really too informative, except for showing
what the Italian and French names are for the characters, plus the
usual NA and Japanese. ChibiChibi and Galaxia are one in the same?
I don't think so!
Hmm, not much here. I haven't seen all of the manga pics before, but these
ones are small and are nothing of note. What can I say? It was an
unremarkable page.
Outer scouts, inner scouts, Japanese names but still calls them by their
scout names. ChibiChibi is in no way Galaxia, the entire profile on the
both of them is totally off. Kinda weird how in the anime, she uses 'Fireball',
when it specifically calls her Kakyuu, and in the manga he calls her Kakyuu,
yet this would be the only time when you might be allowed to translate and
call her Fireball. For the eighteenth zillionth time, Chibi-usa is NOT an Outer
Senshi! Neptune: "She can be very mean to the inner scouts and even made
Amy cry." That is sooo taken out of context, it's not even funny. Profiles are
way superficial, probably the most superficial I have ever seen. Pluto is not
good with children and it makes her appear cold? Since when? And since when
has Hotaru feared worms? Wait a minute... 'Seiya' got over Serena when Darien
came back? Uh, no he didn't. Taiki is 'just 'putting on the front that he's
interested'- he never does that. Pretending to be male? The Lights _are_ male in
their Earth forms. Trash info, bad setup [green text on purple background? Try
again], over all a bad place to be.
See, pictures and layouts aren't really my big deal. It's the info.
WHAT THE HECK?! Galaxia is ChibiChibi? Well, maybe in a metaphysical
sense she is, but not quite. Personally, I agree with the mean
Neptune thing (sort of) but I don't recall an episode where she made
anyone cry by what she said. (I don't suppose this person does either,
considering she hasn't seen the original.) And, for the LAST time:
without his shirt on?
Page: Silver Millenium Moon Kingdom
Creator: AnglPrncez
Nominated by: Mako-chan |
Comments: |
Loading, loading, loading... Whoa this isn't even the main page?!
Why such a huge pic for nothing? No one is going to wait to see it
load if it's not on the main page. Dump it or resize it!!!!
Well, seeing her page won't be updated 'till June, I won't bother with
the rest. This is the worst loader of the month, I'll now take this time
to display a new loading song sent in by "lavafire."
"(To the tune of 'Row, Row, Row, Your Boat...')
Load, load, load the page; Wait until it loads. It is wasting lots of time;
Is it the next Millenium yet? Load, load, load, slowly;
A snail goes much faster. Click on stop and there you see:
Some broken pics and links!"
Ack! A BIG graphic on the main page to greet you along with a Java Applet
that pops up to tell you what program made it. Charming... Lots of places
to go, but are any of them worth it? Not really, lucky me that the Manga
Collection page was mostly broken links, else I would have been there all night.
In fact, broken picture links seemed to be the norm for this page. They
do mix NA and Japanese names freely. I don't think it can be pointed out
often enough that 'Senshis' is not a plural for Senshi.
Slow loading... Maybe if she got rid of that slow scrolling title bar on top, plus
that grossly large SOS pic... And what the heck is wrong with her linking? She
links to the very bottoms of each page, using targets for some unknown reason.
So instead of going to the *top* of the page like you want to be, you end up at
the bottom. You don't need targets linking from page to a different page. Aside
from the fact that for me, like half the pics were broken [including the Outer
image map], the info was all screwy. Hotaru's life and the ending of Sailormoon
S is totally screwed up on the page- the timeline is way whacked, Eternal SM
doesn't show up for two more seasons, and Master Pharoah 90 isn't the 'Demon
Master.' Outer scout/inner scout, Japanese/NASM names, there are two animated
gifs [slow] on each info page. Translations idea stolen from Doi, sometimes direct
copies with 'added' info (loved that senshi = scout bit). Mythology looks like
plaguerism from some book on the subject. Manga pics- only attempt if you
want to see about ten huge stolen pics piled up after each other. Quiz- can do
it in my sleep.
Three Words: Waste of Time. I hate how people screw over Hotaru's
life, not because I'm biased or anything (;P). Blah, I don't want
to review this. Everyone has said enough.
Page: Chibi Usagi's Page
Creator: Chibi_Usagi
Nominated by: Rose |
Comments: |
Ack! If there's one thing I hate, it is backgrounds that make the text impossible to
read! But this is not the real reason for picking this page. You want to know
this person's dirty little secert? Just check out the source codes. Just about
every pic is linked to pictures from another page,!!! Not one shred of credit is given the
person who created the other site. They might think cause the person is from Japan
so they'll never know. Get a clue! The Web is international, you found that
page, someone else will to. Unless this is an English mirror of that site, get
your own pics or credit the person. Plus you might be wondering why half
your pics don't work now, I guess they found out.
Where's the page? I see a link to an awards page, and links to other
pages, but that's it. Whoops, I found the substance (I think). Character
info on Chibimoon isn't accurate by mixing Japanese and NA. All the picture
links on that page are broken also. The Senshi Shrine consists of 3
pictures, and I recall where one of these pics was taken from.
I think I counted about 7 or 8 different webpages this girl stole pics from-
and directly linked to the original websites too. Now, can we spell
'lame,' boys and girls? She's all giddy over learning new html stuff- I'll
say, she's learning how to steal pics from people! She doesn't even
bother crediting them! Aside from the stealing, her text is virtually
unreadable against the backgrounds, the info's weird, et cetera. She
got awards? I'm always amazed at how people will give awards to
pages for doing anything.
I hate people who aren't original! They can't get pictures from
free archives or scan them themselves, instead they're got to rip
them off another person's site. Not only is it rude, but it makes
the webauthor look cheap. That last word describes this page well.
Page: The Sailor Moon Universe
Creator: tuxedomask
Nominated by: ? |
Comments: |
There was a time I thought this site was pretty good, nice clean looking
layout, good info and so on. But now I have to ask, What the @^!%
happened??? The nice link pics are gone, replaced with an image map that
doesn't look half as nice. The background pic is partly corrupted from
I guess a bad upload. I personally always have a thing against pages that
try to come off as regular pages put up by a fan of the show but are always
trying to sell you something! Also, ummm guys, for a page that seems to
be trying to tell us the latest in SM news, don't you think it's about time
you got rid of the SMR page? Or at least update it. Even though the final
"R's" haven't been seen in the USA, they have been dubbed and shown several
times in Canada!
I must admit, the index page is very pretty, but most of my problems lie on
the other pages. Notice that every page has the full sized banner of the
main page. If you feel the need to remind people what site they are at, make
it a smaller sized banner. After the banner, you will see a banner ad on
EVERY page for Ai no Senshi (on the lyrics pages it is on there twice).
Once for the entire site is enough, honestly. Then there is a page guide,
which is useful, but it is big and with the other two items makes it so that
the entire top half of any page is taken up. This page also mixes NA and
Japanese attacks. I think it is a NA page, but at some points it is
unclear. Nice thought to have the Sailormoon FAQ by Kenn Arromdee listed,
but they didn't bother to format it at all so it comes out looking crappy.
One more minor quibble is that there are some misspellings scattered about.
The perfect reason why pretty pictures and setups aren't more important that
information. First off, it has totally wrong info on why there are no new eps,
claims Pioneer sued Takeuchi, which never happened, claims there was going to
be a sixth SM season. Uh, no. "PIONEER AND THEIR ABSURD CLAIMS!"
Talk about absurd, look who's talking. This kid describes the R movie and the
Ami-chan special in DUB terms, and crappily at that. He says he does that so
he won't confuse the NA watchers. Hey, excuse me, what about everyone else?
I find it mildly ironic on the characters page that the Starlights are listed as senshi-
pardon me, I meant scouts- but the Outers aren't even acknowledged as existing.
"Anti evil signs: "This is the my power that I received when I became a priestess
at the Cherryhill Temple. DiC Production's is incorrect when they say that this
power is the power of Mars. Because it isn't." No duh. You know, all the
OTHER attacks are wrong too. Moon and Chibimoon have info mainly from the
dub, mixed in with wrong Japanese info. Rainbow Moon Heart Ache is NOT the
same as Moon Spiral Heart Attack. "Pink Sugar (Attack) Power"? Whatever.
Rini isn't even IN the dub yet, and her name is spelled 'Reeny' elsewhere. The
funny thing is he can't even get the DUB attack names right. Rest of the profiles
mix NA info with Japanese info and are incredibly superficial and wrong at times.
Makes me wonder what the big, positive fuss over this page is.
Don't you hate it when those "Neat, important sources that people
respect" come up totally wrong. (Case in point: Animerica..what on
God's name were you thinking when you messed up Utena?!) Anyway,
it's TOTALLY wrong. I like to parallel this site to Animerica. People
respect the page/magazine, but half its information is speculation.
I'll answer JunJun's question, about why everyone is all positive
and stuff over the page. One word: Chatroom.